Babypips forex broker revisão

Revisão de corretores forex Babypips
O guia do iniciante para negociação de FX.
Forex Trading como um caçador.
cerca de 3 horas atrás pelo Dr. Pipslow.
Muitos comerciantes muitas vezes se referem a si mesmos como os caçadores modernos. O que isso significa e como as habilidades de um caçador podem se traduzir em lucros de negociação forex?
Actualização diária do sistema de Cowabunga: Uma boa vitória maciça!
cerca de 5 horas atrás por Pip Surfer.
Hoje foi um daqueles dias em que eu tinha apenas um grande comércio sólido. Veja como tudo aconteceu no Cowabunga Surf Report de hoje.
Duas Estratégias Para Negociação De Criptomoedas Com Alavancagem De 1: 1000.
A caça diária com o sistema de troca de caçadores feliz (20 a 21 de fevereiro)
cerca de 7 horas atrás.
DESTAQUES - Carney Speaks do Bank Of England no Parlamento do Reino Unido.
cerca de 8 horas atrás.
Atualização dos Gráficos Intraday: Padrões Gráficos em CAD / CHF & amp; GBP / CAD.
cerca de 8 horas atrás.
Recapitulação da Sessão de Londres: O JPY Alimenta-se de Vibrações Sem Risco, GBP Tomba Antes & amp; Após o relatório de trabalhos.
cerca de 10 horas atrás.
Pré-visualização do evento: Relatório de vendas no varejo do Canadá (dezembro)
cerca de 13 horas atrás.
USD / JPY está se aproximando de um nível de retração!
cerca de 15 horas atrás.
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin: Análise de Preços Semanal - 21 de fevereiro.
cerca de 18 horas atrás.
Contribuidores em destaque.
O Diário 2/21.
Seu guia para o que importa hoje no FX.
O SPD da Alemanha para voltar Weidmann para o chefe do BCE, Die Zeit Reports.
Os social-democratas da Alemanha apoiarão a decisão dos conservadores da chanceler Angela Merkel de apoiar o chefe do Bundesbank, Jens Weidmann, a se tornar o chefe do Banco Central Europeu, informou o jornal Die Zeit na quarta-feira.
DESTAQUES - Carney Speaks do Bank Of England no Parlamento do Reino Unido.
O presidente do Banco da Inglaterra, Mark Carney, e outros altos funcionários de política monetária do banco central conversaram com o Comitê do Tesouro no parlamento britânico na quarta-feira. Aqui está uma seleção de seus comentários.
Grã-Bretanha quer discutir a duração da transição do Brexit com o documento da UE.
A Grã-Bretanha quer discutir com a União Européia a duração de qualquer período de transição pós-Brexit, dizendo que seu governo concorda que deve ser em torno de dois anos, mas deve ser longo o suficiente para preparar "novos processos" e "novos sistemas".
MERCADOS MUNDIAIS - O dólar subiu e os estoques caíram antes da ata da reunião do Fed.
O dólar subiu para o seu nível mais alto em uma semana na quarta-feira e os estoques mundiais caíram pelo terceiro dia, com os investidores se preparando por minutos para a última reunião de política monetária do Fed para ver se eles anunciariam mais aumentos nas taxas de juros e nos rendimentos dos bônus globais.
Recapitulação na Sessão Asiática: AUD Gota em Dados Fracos, o JPY Cai como Suporte a USD / JPY.
O Aussie e o iene foram os maiores impulsionadores, com os traders forex tendo um relatório fraco da Austrália enquanto se preparavam para as minutas da reunião do FOMC de hoje.
Centro de parceiros Encontre um corretor.
Atividade Recente do Fórum.
Discuta suas visões de mercado com outros comerciantes.
233 Visualizações / 9 Respostas.
11.283 visualizações / 47 Respostas.
1.043.500 Visualizações / 2.991 Respostas.
158.850 Visualizações / 42 Respostas.
123.356 Visualizações / 1.100 Respostas.
452 Visualizações / 34 Respostas.
5.460 Visualizações / 162 Respostas.
55,375 Visualizações / 441 Respostas
295 Visualizações / 4 Respostas.
774 Visualizações / 35 Respostas.
2/21 Calendário de Notícias.
Os principais lançamentos de dados econômicos de hoje.
21 de fevereiro às 12h30 UTC.
21 de fevereiro, 8:00 UTC.
21 de fevereiro, 8:00 UTC.
21 de fevereiro, 8h30 UTC.
21 de fevereiro, 8h30 UTC.
Informações de negociação & amp; Análise.
Forex Trading como um caçador.
cerca de 3 horas atrás pelo Dr. Pipslow.
Muitos comerciantes muitas vezes se referem a si mesmos como os caçadores modernos. O que isso significa e como as habilidades de um caçador podem se traduzir em lucros de negociação forex?
Actualização diária do sistema de Cowabunga: Uma boa vitória maciça!
cerca de 5 horas atrás por Pip Surfer.
Hoje foi um daqueles dias em que eu tinha apenas um grande comércio sólido. Veja como tudo aconteceu no Cowabunga Surf Report de hoje.
A caça diária com o sistema de troca de caçadores feliz (20 a 21 de fevereiro)
há cerca de 7 horas atrás por Happy Pip.
Outro dia, outra atualização para o Happy Hunter Trading System! Então, como foi a caçada mais recente? Bem, continue a ler e descubra.
Atualização dos Gráficos Intraday: Padrões Gráficos em CAD / CHF & amp; GBP / CAD.
cerca de 8 horas atrás por Big Pippin.
Palavra, espreitadelas! Estou exibindo um padrão de gráfico Loonie + duplo especial na atualização dos gráficos intraday de hoje, com GBP / CAD e CAD / CHF no menu.
USD / JPY está se aproximando de um nível de retração!
Enquanto espero que o meu comércio de GBP / USD termine, estou a olhar para esta oportunidade de retracção a curto prazo no USD / JPY. Quem está?
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin: Análise de Preços Semanal - 21 de fevereiro.
cerca de 18 horas atrás por Big Pippin.
Lento e firme faz isso! O Bitcoin e seus pares estão gradualmente se recuperando, já que o sentimento parece ter melhorado no setor de criptomoedas.
Arte Gráfica: Tendências de Curto Prazo em EUR / USD e USD / JPY.
cerca de 22 horas atrás por Big Pippin.
Comerciantes do dólar se amontoam! Hoje, estamos verificando algumas jogadas de tendências de curto prazo sobre o par USD / JPY e o EUR / USD, que podem fazer ou quebrar nossa crença de que as tendências são nossas amigas.
Watchlist: Major Resistance Ahead em NZD / CAD?
O Kiwi esteve em uma lágrima recentemente contra o Loonie, mas agora está testando uma área importante de interesse. Hora dos touros de Loonie se juntarem à festa?
A caçada diária com o sistema de troca de caçadores feliz (19-20 de fevereiro)
Com 19 de fevereiro concluído e encerrado em 20 de fevereiro, na metade do caminho, é hora de outra atualização para o Happy Hunter Trading System! Então, como foi a caçada mais recente?
Atualização dos Gráficos Intraday: Triangle On CHF / JPY & amp; Canal em EUR / CAD.
Yo! Eu tenho um canal no gráfico de 1 hora do EUR / CAD que os corredores de tendências podem gostar. Gráficos de fuga, entretanto, podem querer verificar o triângulo que encontrei no gráfico de 1 hora do CHF / JPY.
Atualização do Sistema: SMA Crossover Pullback (13 a 20 de fevereiro)
Ack! Esses movimentos de baixa nos pares que estou observando para essa estratégia não duraram muito. Mas os primeiros sinais de saída salvaram o dia?
Arte Gráfica: Suporte e Resistência Reproduz em AUD / JPY e NZD / CAD.
Para cima e para eles, pessoal de forex! Espero que esteja com vontade de negociar cruzamentos de moedas hoje, porque descobri configurações de suporte e resistência que você não gostaria de perder. Confira!
4 razões pelas quais os comerciantes de Forex desistem de seus planos.
As condições do mercado Forex têm sido bem instáveis ​​nos dias de hoje, por isso é importante aprender como se adaptar. No entanto, isso não significa abandonar totalmente seus planos de negociação forex.
Gráficos Intraday Update: Potenciais Breakouts em EUR / AUD e USD / CAD?
Na atualização dos gráficos intraday de hoje, estou apresentando algumas possíveis jogadas de fuga em EUR / AUD e USD / CAD. Confira-os!
Weekly FX Crosses Watch (19-23 de fevereiro)
Será que veremos outra semana de dominação do iene ou as moedas européias voltarão a se pôr de pé? Aqui estão as configurações que estou assistindo em EUR / JPY, GBP / JPY e EUR / GBP.
Se alguma coisa vale a pena tentar, vale a pena tentar pelo menos 10 vezes. Art Linkletter.
O BabyPips ajuda os comerciantes individuais a aprender como negociar o mercado cambial.
Apresentamos as pessoas ao mundo do comércio de moeda e fornecemos conteúdos educacionais para ajudá-los a aprender a se tornarem comerciantes rentáveis. Também somos uma comunidade de traders que apoiam uns aos outros em nossa jornada diária de negociação.

Como negociar em Forex.
A troca de câmbio no mercado de câmbio, também chamado de trading forex, pode ser um passatempo emocionante e uma ótima fonte de renda. Para colocar isso em perspectiva, o mercado de valores mobiliários negocia cerca de US $ 22,4 bilhões por dia; o mercado forex negocia cerca de US $ 5 trilhões por dia. Você pode negociar forex on-line de várias maneiras.
Etapas Editar.
Parte Um dos Três:
Aprender Forex Trading Basics Editar.
Parte Dois dos Três:
Abertura de uma edição on-line da conta corretora Forex.
Parte Três de Três:
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Forex Filipinas | Forex Trading Filipinas.
Aprenda Forex Trading.
Recompensa de Negociação Forex: Macbook.
Eu comprei um novo computador com os lucros que fiz neste negócio. A razão por trás disso é porque eu tenho viajado muito ultimamente. E meu telefone acabou de ganhar, às vezes não o corta. Não consigo ver os gráficos detalhadamente. E também, eu estou de olho neste laptop há muito tempo e pensei em tê-lo como recompensa uma vez que eu fizesse um bom negócio.
Peguei parte do dinheiro e comprei este laptop e todo o restante foi reinvestido. É um ótimo laptop. Eu amo isso!
Lição aprendida.
Embora eu tenha lucrado com o último negócio. Eu não estava muito feliz. Porque eu estava apostando muito grande em um negócio de probabilidades. E sei que com o tempo as probabilidades podem me atingir. Tentarei diminuir o risco agora e ficar contente em ganhar dinheiro consistentemente de maneira mais segura do que apostar alto e forte e ter grandes retornos, mas ter grandes rebaixamentos.
Qual é a sua recompensa para si mesmo neste próximo Natal?
Semana 21: Euro Crisis Over? Ou é a calma antes da tempestade?
Bem, a longa tendência que começou no ano passado nos deu um lucro decente no caminho para os últimos quatro negócios que foram escritos no meu post anterior. Toda a crise do euro nos deu alguns lucros consideráveis. E a pergunta vem à mente & # 8230; Está acabado? Ou é um retrocesso temporário?
Se você me perguntar, eu não sei & # 8230; Há muito tempo virei as costas para prever o mercado. E agora concentrei minha energia em apostar em tendências seguras. Como a anterior tendência de queda do euro. Meu palpite é que a crise do euro não acabou. E eu estou supondo que isso é apenas um retrocesso de curto prazo. O que precisamos observar é sua continuação no lado negativo. Mas pode levar mais algumas semanas para mostrar um sinal bom o suficiente.
1.3100 é uma resistência muito forte. Vamos ver se é válido.
Enquanto isso, eu estava lendo muitos livros e havia um livro em particular que chamou minha atenção. É o seu & # 8220; Reminiscências de um operador de ações & # 8220 ;. Há muita sabedoria neste livro que todo comerciante deve saber. A história é muito interessante também, porque é baseada em uma história verdadeira em sua maior parte.
O que faz Forex Trading diferente?
Se você está acompanhando minha previsão de forex e decidiu levar o negócio comigo, estamos agora com um lucro de + 120pips no momento da redação deste artigo. Muito boa margem de lucro. Mas não é sobre o que vamos falar hoje.
Enquanto eu estava deitado na cama na noite passada. Eu refleti para mim mesmo. Todos os indicadores e todas as estratégias estão disponíveis na internet, em livros e mentores. Por que é que existem poucas pessoas que são bem sucedidas na negociação forex? Nas Filipinas, eu não vi ou conheci alguém que seja bem-sucedido o suficiente para conseguir a atenção da mídia. É realmente com as estratégias ou indicadores que fará um comerciante forex bem sucedido?
Enquanto eu estava lendo um livro sobre diferentes tipos de comerciantes forex. Percebi que a maioria deles são médicos, militares aposentados ou atletas. Pessoas que são duras mentalmente ou sabem psicologia. Talvez a coisa sobre forex trading é tudo na mente mais do que com os indicadores.
Além disso, ninguém sabe o que será o futuro dos gráficos ou quando uma tendência começará ou terminará. Ninguém realmente sabe quando ocorrerá uma reversão ou um suporte e resistência irão se quebrar ou saltar. Ninguém realmente sabe. Só temos indicadores para nos dizer opções do que pode acontecer ainda é que temos que decidir e assumir riscos.
Então, a linha de fundo é & # 8230; É sobre riscos. Gestão de risco e gestão de dinheiro. Você só tem que ter uma estratégia decente que você esteja confiante e aplique o princípio da administração do dinheiro a ela.
Assumir riscos. Sabemos desde o início que a negociação forex é arriscada. Antes mesmo de sabermos como o mercado se move. Sabemos que o forex é arriscado. Então temos que estar preparados para assumir riscos. Além disso, administre o risco com o gerenciamento de dinheiro.
Estes são os meus pensamentos sobre negociação forex. Você pode expressar sua opinião na seção de comentários abaixo.
Novo marco na negociação pessoal de Forex.
Hoje é um ótimo dia para mim. Hoje marca o dia em que eu eliminei completamente todas as perdas que sofri enquanto aprendia sobre forex.
Quando comecei há um ano, tentei negociar forex ao vivo. Depois de praticar por alguns meses, demo trading, reuni toda a coragem que consegui e abri minha primeira conta real. Durante o ano acumulei um total de US $ 5.000. Sim & # 8230; Negativo & # 8230; E hoje, finalmente, finalmente recuperei todas as perdas.
Eu estou acima de $ 1.063 a partir de hoje. Espero que este seja o começo de uma vida comercial maravilhosa. E espero alcançar minha meta de negociação forex.
Depois de toda essa experiência cansativa. Eu gostaria de compartilhar com você um pouco de conhecimento que aprendi enquanto tropeçava no reino das negociações. Existem apenas 3 fatores importantes para ser bem sucedido na negociação.
2. Gerenciamento de Dinheiro.
Observe que não há estratégia de negociação aqui ou indicadores. Nem mesmo estratégia de entrada. É porque esses 3 fatores são o que determina um comércio bem sucedido. Por causa deles, meu negócio tem sido muito bom até agora.
Semana 16: 7% de ganho, se aventurando em ações.
Ganhei 7% na semana passada e, nesta semana, recebi minha conta de corretora aprovada. Eu estou tentando diversificar meus ativos em diferentes veículos. Mas forex será meu no.1 ir para o cara de risco & # 8211; recompensa.
Também tentando mudar minha estratégia um pouco. Eu percebi que eu preciso ter uma estratégia que me dê a maior parte do meu tempo e dia de negociação é um não não para mim. Eu tenho negociado o gráfico horário nos últimos meses e pode ser estressante às vezes. Estou mudando para o diário e esperançosamente semanalmente. Portanto, haverá menos atualizações neste blog porque estou mudando para um período de tempo maior.
AUDUSD Reversão de Pinbar.
Eu estou usando análise técnica quando estou negociando forex. Principalmente castiçais e médias móveis. E ontem, um belo sinal de inversão de pino se formou no AUDUSD. Olhando para ir muito tempo sobre este.
Para o comerciante agressivo, esta é uma boa chance de ir muito tempo. Mas, para o tipo mais conservador, você pode querer esperar que a próxima barra seja fechada antes de entrar em sua posição. Você quer confirmar que a próxima barra é alta para estar no lado seguro.
Viajando Viajando & # 8211; Os benefícios de ser um comerciante de Forex.
Eu tenho viajado, escalando montanhas, provando diferentes iguarias e encontrando mulheres. No momento, estou tentando viver a vida que imagino para mim mesma. Embora, ainda não o que eu realmente imagino, eu posso ver que eu eventualmente chegarei lá.
Viajar custa dinheiro. E enquanto você viaja, você não trabalha. A melhor coisa sobre ser um comerciante dos estrangeiros é que você pode ganhar dinheiro apenas por ter uma conexão com a internet no seu telefone. E enquanto eu estava tirando uma foto no topo de uma montanha, eu adicionei uma posição no meu comércio e meu capital agora em 38% enquanto falamos.
Ah, e também acho que o fórum é uma má ideia. Eu nunca pensei que levaria muito tempo para eu gerenciar o spam. Eu ainda não abri o fórum para usuários, mas bots e spams já estão sendo enviados. Eu removeria o fórum e a discussão pode prosseguir aqui na seção de comentários.
Semana 1: Análise Forex, Sept 5 & # 8211; 9 de janeiro de 2011.
Esta é a minha primeira semana depois que eu fiz um novo objetivo e alcancei um novo marco na minha negociação forex. A última análise de forex provou ser um sucesso (para mim). E eu vou fazer isso de novo, escrevendo neste blog, para que eu possa acompanhar a estratégia que vou usar para a próxima semana.
Diário: tendência de baixa. Há um pinbar de reversão muito claro.
Semanal: uma possível tendência de baixa. Pinbar grande que favorece a tendência de baixa.
Mensal: Tendência de alta, MAS isso pode ser um recuo agora ou uma possível reversão de tendência.
Comentários: Seja cauteloso na negociação a longo prazo, porque os sinais semanais e mensais não são fortes o suficiente para arriscar grandes. Faça comércios de tendência de baixa (sell) diariamente e tenha uma posição de manutenção cuidadosa por muito tempo.
Diário: tendências de tendência de baixa. Reversão confirmada. Tenha cuidado com o sinal que expressa a tendência de alta.
Semanal: tendência de baixa. Indicação muito forte de tendência de baixa.
Mensal: forte indicação de tendência de baixa. Resistência a 1.40575, se esta quebra, a tendência de baixa será a longo prazo.
Comentários: Entre em negociações de tendência descendente. Faça negócios de tendência baixa.
Diário: tendência de baixa. Procure por sinal de reversão.
Semanal: uma quebra na resistência. Tendência de baixa confirmada.
Mensal: tendência de baixa para resistência em 105.896. Uma vez lá. Seja cauteloso. Mas é tudo tendência de baixa daqui.
Comentários: faça negociações de tendência descendente. O sinal é muito forte. Resistência a 105.896.
Diariamente: resistência em 1.12099. Grandes negociações de sinalização de barra de cauda / pino para aumentar a tendência.
Semanal: Não tenho certeza, mas tendência de baixa. Há uma grande reversão logo após o pinbar para tendência de alta.
Mensal: tendência de baixa. Mas um sinal muito bom para negociações de tendência de alta.
Comentários: É um sinal muito bom para comprar tendência de alta. Mas não segure a posição por mais de uma semana. Semanalmente não é claro.
Diariamente: Pinbar grande relatando tendência de alta. Diz pullback está terminado.
Semanal: Semanalmente não está claro para onde ela quer ir.
Mensal: É um bom dia para comprar.
Comentários: como EUR / CHF. Esta é uma boa oportunidade de compra. Só tome cuidado segurando por uma semana.
Eu alcancei meu objetivo.
Alguns meses atrás, eu postei sobre limpar minhas perdas incorridas durante um ano inteiro de aprendizado de forex. Dessa vez, finalmente cheguei ao meu objetivo quando comecei este blog. Minha meta de alcançar US $ 5.000 de lucro líquido em um mês foi atingida e, na verdade, é quase o dobro disso.
Estou escrevendo às 4 da manhã porque não consigo dormir por causa da excitação. Eu vou estabelecer um novo objetivo e vou postar daqui a pouco.
Agora, olhando para trás. A coisa mais importante que afetou minha negociação são os livros que eu li. Na maioria das vezes, leio blogs online de outros comerciantes. provou ser contraproducente, pois aprendi a copiar seu ofício, mesmo os ruins. Fazendo isso, você nunca sabe como negociar. você está copiando.
Por causa disso, quero saber como funciona a mente de um bom negociante. Eu comprei os magos do mercado de livros e é um dos melhores livros que já li na negociação. eles não contêm estratégias, mas psicologia. Também há um anime que eu realmente gosto de correr riscos e gamble.
EUR / AUD Best Trade Ainda 650 + Pips.
O Natal está se aproximando e um presente de mais de 650 pips é melhor do que qualquer outro presente que eu pudesse receber neste Natal. Sim pessoal, é o maior lucro que recebi desde que comecei a negociar. E isso é dinheiro real. Mais de 650+ pips. Estou bastante confiante agora com o meu sistema e já posso ver meu objetivo não tão longe.
Você pode ver quando eu entrei no comércio indicado por um sinal de seta amarela indicando um & # 8220; curto & # 8221; comércio.
Lição aprendida. Eu praticamente tropeço no meu caminho e duvidei de mim mesmo se eu tivesse que continuar a negociar. Eu perdi um par de dinheiro e achei que o dinheiro perdido não estava realmente perdido e apenas uma despesa educacional muito parecida com uma mensalidade escolar. Eu pensei em desistir por causa de negociações perdedoras consistentes. Mas tem havido muitas vezes na minha vida que quando eu estava prestes a desistir, esse é o momento em que você está prestes a ter sucesso. Este é um pequeno sucesso para mim e uma validação de meus esforços e persistência para aprender e estudar diferentes sistemas e para descobrir que tipo de sistema é o certo para minha personalidade.
Se você ainda está lutando. Não desista. Perca apenas o dinheiro que você pode perder. Não tome dinheiro emprestado esperando se tornar milionário. Se você for esperto, não precisa pedir dinheiro emprestado. Não desista. Continue lendo. Você vai pegar o jeito dele. E o mais importante, inscreva-se no meu feed se você quiser se atualizar sobre as negociações que eu faço.
Mais tarde pips. E feliz natal a todos!
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Forex Brokers: XM - Forex Broker comentário XM (anteriormente XE Ma. 85 comentários Sobre: ​​Forex Filipinas nasceu quando um jovem empresário. 42 comentários Meu Forex Trading Objetivo: Objetivo para 2011 $ 25.000 Lucro líquido em 1 mês Eu vou ra. 26 comentários Como Negociar Forex: Bem-vindo ao Curso de Como Negociar em Forex Nesta página, você está em: 25 Forex 101: Forex Basics - & # 8230 ;: Então eu finalmente comecei a fazer um post sobre o básico de f. : O autor, sendo um rebelde e um completo idiota à autoridade 15 comentários Por que todo mundo deveria negociar: Eu estou tirando uma folga do forex como eu percebo que eu tenho 13 comentários Community for Traders & amp; I & # 8230; : Estou criando uma comunidade para traders e investidores A c. 13 comments Quais são seus objetivos em Fo & # 8230;: 180+ pips em AUD / USD Quando as pessoas me perguntam o que eu faço 11 comentários P ​​& A: Como Comecei & quot ;: Hoje é dia de descanso para mim e enquanto espero por algumas horas. 11 comentários.
Como negociar em Forex.
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Forex e CFDs são produtos alavancados que possuem alto grau de risco para o seu capital, e é possível perder mais do que o seu investimento inicial. A negociação com alavancagem pode não ser adequada para todos os investidores, por isso assegure-se de compreender plenamente os riscos envolvidos e procurar conselhos independentes, se necessário.

Torne-se um comerciante de Forex rentável em 5 etapas fáceis.
Antes de aprender as técnicas de negociação, há duas coisas muito importantes que você deve observar:
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Este livro eletrônico mostra a maneira mais rápida de se tornar rica e financeiramente gratuita:
1. Sua mentalidade.
Eu sempre enfatizo sobre este fato que ganhar dinheiro através do comércio Forex não é tão difícil e complicado como o que os comerciantes inexperientes pensam. Quase todos aqueles que começam a negociar Forex, têm uma mentalidade e mentalidade de suas experiências passadas. Eles acreditam que "# 8221; que ganhar dinheiro é muito difícil, porque a maioria deles teve dificuldade em ganhar dinheiro e cobrir suas despesas. Eles acreditam que "# 8221; Eles têm que trabalhar longas horas todos os dias para fazer algum dinheiro através do comércio Forex, porque eles realmente têm trabalhado por várias horas para ganhar dinheiro, dia após dia, não importa que tipo de negócio ou trabalho que tinham. Eles acreditam que "# 8221; é impossível tornar-se rico, porque ou eles nunca trabalharam para se tornarem ricos, ou se o fizeram, nunca estiveram no caminho certo, e caminharam em direção a ele enquanto acreditavam que não poderiam fazê-lo.
O que acontece quando você inicia um novo negócio com tal mentalidade? Não vai funcionar e você não terá sucesso.
"Se você acha que pode, ou acha que não pode, está certo." # 8221;
Leia a frase acima com muito cuidado por algumas vezes e pense no que Henry Ford estava tentando dizer. Ele não diz nada sobre o que você quer fazer, ou o tipo de negócio que você quer começar. Ele apenas diz, se você acha que pode, então você pode. Se você acha que não pode, então você não pode.
De acordo com Henry Ford, o primeiro e mais importante obstáculo reside em sua própria cabeça, não fora dela, não importa o que você queira fazer, ou você quer começar um negócio ou aprender algo novo. As condições externas são quase as mesmas para qualquer um. Se alguém pode, e outra pessoa não pode, é por causa do que tem em mente, não por causa das condições externas. As condições são quase as mesmas para ambos. A diferença é que a primeira pessoa & # 8220 ;, acredita & # 8221; que ele pode, e a segunda pessoa & # 8220 ;, acredita & # 8221; que ele não pode.
Mude sua mentalidade e você verá que tudo muda ao seu redor:
Eu acredito que o & # 8221; ganhar dinheiro às vezes pode ser tão difícil em alguns tipos de negócios e empregos, mas isso não significa necessariamente que é o mesmo em todas as empresas e empregos. Forex trading é um tipo de negócio que faz dinheiro sem ter que trabalhar muito duro. Eu acredito que o & # 8221; Eu não tenho que trabalhar longas horas todos os dias para ganhar dinheiro através do comércio Forex. Neste negócio, tenho que ser sábio, preciso e disciplinado, não viciado em trabalho. Eu acredito que o & # 8221; Eu tenho tudo para me tornar um rico comerciante de forex, porque aqueles que se tornaram ricos, não têm nada mais do que eu. Mesmos mercados, gráficos, plataformas e & # 8230; . Eu só preciso planejar, definir meus objetivos e começar a me mover em direção a ele. Uma pessoa rica não é alguém que trabalha demais. É alguém que dá os passos corretamente.
Revise e revise sua mentalidade agora e leia o restante deste artigo quando terminar.
2. A sua situação financeira
O segundo ponto que tenho para compartilhar com você antes de ajudá-lo a se tornar um comerciante de Forex rentável, é sobre sua situação financeira. Há algo muito importante aqui que você precisa saber:
Você não pode ganhar a vida com o Forex. Quero dizer, o comércio Forex não pode ser conhecido como sua única fonte de renda e emprego em tempo integral. Forex trading é uma oportunidade de investimento para aumentar sua riqueza e torná-lo mais rico. Portanto, se você não tem um emprego e uma fonte de renda, ou, você tem um emprego, mas sua renda não é suficiente, você tem que estabelecer uma fonte de renda confiável e forte primeiro, e depois usar uma parte do salário. dinheiro que você faz para ganhar mais dinheiro através do comércio Forex. Se você não fizer isso, concentrar-se em um Forex não será mais do que desperdício de tempo e dinheiro. Existem algumas fortes razões por trás disso: as estratégias de negociação não funcionam se você não escolher a estratégia de vida correta.
Certifique-se também de ler estes artigos com muito cuidado para abrir os olhos em alguns fatos muito importantes:
Antes de começar a aprender Forex.
Existem alguns fatos importantes que você precisa saber sobre o Forex, antes de começar a aprender e tentar.
1. O Forex não é um esquema de enriquecimento rápido.
Você pode ficar rico com o Forex, mas não é um programa de enriquecimento rápido. Para ganhar dinheiro através de Forex, você tem que aprender e dominá-lo e isso precisa gastar algum tempo e energia. Não pode ser feito durante a noite.
2. Forex trading pode ser arriscado.
Forex trading pode ser arriscado se você não souber limitar e controlar seu risco.
É como dirigir. Dirigir não é arriscado por si só. A maneira que algumas pessoas dirigem é arriscada. Da mesma forma, a negociação de Forex não é arriscada por si só. A forma como algumas pessoas negociam Forex é arriscada.
Algumas pessoas começam a negociar com dinheiro real enquanto não conhecem o básico. A maioria dos traders abre uma conta ativa e começa a negociar com dinheiro real, quando eles não conseguiram ter sucesso na negociação de demonstração. Infelizmente, muitos deles negociam com o dinheiro que não podem perder. O dinheiro que você não pode perder é o dinheiro que você estará em apuros se você o perder. Enquanto um trader pode arriscar e perder $ 10.000 sem problemas, outro trader estará em apuros se perder $ 200.
Forex trading pode ser o melhor evento da sua vida. Mas tenha cuidado para não mudá-lo para um desastre por causa de seus próprios erros.
3. Sua renda pára se você parar de negociar.
Mesmo que você consiga se tornar um operador consistentemente lucrativo, o que é uma grande conquista, sua renda pára se você parar de negociar. Isso significa que a negociação forex não pode criar qualquer backup ou renda residual para você.
4. Há muitas coisas que não estão sob seu controle.
Como um comerciante de forex, o tamanho da sua conta, o risco que você assume em cada posição e, por vezes, os preços de entrada e saída são tudo o que você pode controlar. O resto não está sob seu controle.
Por exemplo, o preço pode começar a se mover como um louco e você não pode sair do mercado por causa da sobrecarga severa do corretor e movimentos de preço muito rápidos. Então, você pode ficar com um saldo negativo da conta que é sua responsabilidade de ser pago ao corretor, caso contrário, eles podem processá-lo. Não há garantia de que você sempre pode entrar e sair do mercado pelo preço que você quer e você vê na plataforma de negociação que você instala em seu computador: O Franco Suíço Tsunami.
5. Não está claro quando você se tornará um trader consistentemente lucrativo.
Embora pareça fácil ganhar dinheiro através de operações cambiais quando você olha para os gráficos de preços, é difícil na realidade e a maioria dos traders não pode se tornar consistentemente lucrativa, mesmo após vários anos de aprendizado e prática.
Ganhar dinheiro através de negociação tem uma taxa de sucesso muito baixa e apenas uma porcentagem muito baixa de traders se tornará lucrativa e ganhará consistentemente dinheiro através de negociação como seu emprego em tempo integral.
Leia os artigos abaixo e veja os começos:
6. Não abra uma grande conta ativa.
É um grande erro abrir uma grande conta ativa.
Como expliquei acima, alguns traders abrem uma conta real mesmo antes de aprenderem o básico. Alguns outros fazem isso depois de um tempo aprendendo e praticando com uma conta demo. Eles ficam animados depois de ter alguns bons negócios com suas contas de demonstração. Uma vez que eles vêem os lucros, eles começam a sonhar com o dinheiro que podem ganhar e com a vida que está esperando por eles. Então, eles correm para abrir uma grande conta ao vivo para se tornar um milionário o mais rápido possível. Mas na maioria dos casos, é uma decepção e um arrependimento que está esperando por eles. Eles perdem todo o dinheiro. Eu já vi isso tantas vezes.
Mesmo que você aprenda tudo o que precisa sobre Forex, e mesmo que consiga repetir seu sucesso com uma conta demo por vários meses consecutivos, ainda assim é um grande erro começar uma negociação ao vivo com uma grande conta real, porque negociar com dinheiro real pela primeira vez, desencadeia algumas emoções que um profissional inexperiente nunca experimentou antes. Você experimentará muito mais medo e ganância quando começar a negociar com dinheiro real. Isso impede que você pense e decida corretamente. Você cometerá grandes erros e terá sua família e você mesmo em grandes problemas.
Se você já tiver uma conta ativa, não negocie com ela antes de ler o restante deste artigo.
E, se você tiver, por exemplo, US $ 100.000 em sua conta bancária e quiser abrir uma conta ativa, não coloque todo o dinheiro em sua conta de negociação só porque acha que uma conta de US $ 100.000 ganha mais dinheiro do que uma conta de US $ 5.000. Isso é verdade teoricamente, mas é um grande erro praticamente e na verdade.
7. Conheça os corretores.
Antes de abrir uma conta de negociação com um corretor, certifique-se de que você sabe como os corretores funcionam e como eles podem enganar seus clientes: alguns fatos e mitos de negociação Forex que você deve conhecer.
Qual é o caminho mais próximo para se tornar um comerciante rentável Forex?
Agora, eu suponho que você tenha entendido o que eu expliquei acima e você está pronto para se tornar um comerciante de Forex rentável. Mais uma vez, se você não tiver uma fonte de renda confiável e forte, certifique-se de começar a estabelecê-la enquanto estiver aprendendo a negociar Forex. É um tempo que estamos oferecendo uma oportunidade perfeita para nossos seguidores, para começar uma fonte de renda muito confiável e forte. Você pode dar uma olhada aqui: Comece seu negócio de tecnologia de dados Million-Dollar Home agora.
Além disso, não esqueça de deixar seu endereço de e-mail aqui em nosso site, para que possamos enviar nosso e-book gratuitamente para ajudá-lo a saber mais sobre nossa oportunidade de negócio.
Agora, vamos falar sobre Forex trading & # 8230;
Aqui está o que você tem que fazer para se tornar um comerciante forex rentável. Não sei quanto tempo você leva para executar todas essas etapas. Pode ser diferente de pessoa para pessoa. Mas o que sei é que, se você se concentrar nos passos abaixo, e não perder seu tempo procurando as outras coisas, chegará ao último passo muito em breve. Mas, se você continuar brincando, e tentando diferentes tipos de sistemas, indicadores, robôs e, você terá que passar vários anos da sua vida sem obter nenhum resultado positivo. A grama não é mais verde do outro lado.
1. Aprenda o básico.
Se você é novo demais para a negociação forex e você não sabe o que forex ou troca de moeda é sobre, e como um comerciante decide comprar e vender moedas uns contra os outros, então leia os artigos abaixo e assista os vídeos com cuidado. Eu não acho que você levará mais do que alguns ou poucos dias para fazê-lo. Mesmo se você não for muito novo em forex trading, mas você ainda não se tornou rentável, eu recomendo que você leia os artigos abaixo e assista os vídeos apenas uma vez:
Os artigos e vídeos acima ensinam o básico. Complete seu conhecimento seguindo os vídeos e artigos abaixo:
2. Aprenda um sistema de negociação.
Você já passou nesta etapa (acima). Padrões de velas, Bollinger Bands® e algumas análises técnicas são o sistema de negociação que usamos para analisar os mercados e localizar as configurações de comércio. Esse sistema comercial não foi inventado por nós. Nós apenas aprendemos e dominamos isso. Castiçais têm sido usados ​​por várias décadas por comerciantes e investidores profissionais em qualquer mercado que você possa imaginar, desde arroz e trigo até ouro e petróleo. E o Bollinger Bands, inventado por John Bollinger nos anos 80, é um ótimo complemento para os padrões de candlestick. Você já aprendeu sobre eles seguindo os artigos e vídeos acima. Cabe a você se você gosta de seguir um sistema de negociação diferente, mas tenha em mente que o nosso sistema de negociação e a forma como o usamos, é o melhor e mais simples a longo prazo. Siga os artigos abaixo, para completar seu sistema de negociação e ajustar sua mente para usá-lo corretamente:
Também introduzimos uma abordagem diferente ao usar os castiçais e bandas de Bollinger para negociar. É mais mecânico e menos técnico, e você pode usá-lo como um segundo sistema de negociação:
Outro sistema de negociação mecânico é a média móvel de 50 dias:
Você já leu o artigo acima? Você já praticou o suficiente para aprender como localizar e avaliar as configurações de comércio forte?
Você está pronto se a resposta for sim. Agora você pode ir para o próximo passo.
3. Demo Trading.
Você aprendeu como funciona o seu sistema de negociação? Se sim, então é hora de abrir uma conta de demonstração e iniciar a negociação de demonstração para MASTER seu sistema de negociação. Siga os artigos e vídeos abaixo para saber exatamente o que você deve fazer no comércio de demonstração. Não subestime esse passo. É muito importante: a importância da negociação de demonstração e sua conta de demonstração.
4. Negociação ao Vivo.
Você conseguiu repetir seu sucesso com sua conta de demonstração por pelo menos três a seis meses consecutivos, como explicado nos artigos acima?
Se eu fosse você, eu não me apressaria em começar a negociar ao vivo, e continuaria com a negociação de demonstração por mais três meses. Você deve construir sua confiança através da negociação de demonstração. Repetir o seu sucesso por alguns meses consecutivos diz-lhe que & # 8230;
Você sabe como definir as ordens stop loss e target, e você faz isso precisamente, estrita e religiosamente. Suas perdas são pequenas e controladas, e seus ganhos são grandes, de modo que, quando o stop loss é acionado, sua perda pode ser recuperada facilmente pela próxima negociação vencedora. Isso pode ser visto em todas as posições que você toma, não apenas em algumas delas. Você não se sente triste ou estressante quando o stop loss é acionado. Você sabe que é apenas uma pequena perda que pode ser facilmente recuperada pela próxima negociação vencedora. Você é disciplinado o suficiente para assumir as configurações de comércio fortes e ignorar as fracas. Você entra apenas quando está 100% confiante em relação à força e precisão da configuração de negociação e pula facilmente a pergunta & # 8220; questionável & # 8221; e & # 8220; duvidoso & # 8221; configurações de comércio que não parecem perfeitas.
Se você realmente atingiu esse nível, você pode começar a negociação ao vivo. Abra uma pequena conta ativa e trate-a exatamente como você tratou sua conta de demonstração. Não tente ganhar a vida com sua conta ativa assim que começar a negociar ao vivo pela primeira vez. Primeiro, você precisa repetir seu sucesso com sua conta ativa por alguns meses consecutivos, da mesma forma que fez com sua conta demo. Construa sua confiança na negociação ao vivo e negocie-a 100% livre de emoções, como se você ainda estivesse negociando uma conta demo.
Não abra uma grande conta real no começo. Abra uma pequena conta ativa, continue negociando com ela e aumente, independentemente de ter centenas de milhares de dólares em sua conta bancária. Por exemplo, se você tiver US $ 100.000 em sua conta de poupança, basta abrir uma conta ativa de US $ 2.000 a US $ 5.000. Troque com sua conta real até que você a dobre, não importa quanto tempo leve para fazer isso. Em seguida, retire o capital inicial e deixe o lucro em sua conta, e continue negociando com o seu lucro da maneira que você está negociando com seu capital inicial. Não pense que não importa se você a perder, porque é apenas o lucro que você fez, não o seu capital. Nunca pense assim mesmo em uma conta de demonstração. Você não pode se dar ao luxo de acabar com uma conta de demonstração. Quando se trata de negociação séria, não há diferença entre uma conta ao vivo e uma conta demo, e uma pequena ou grande conta real. Você deve ter exatamente a mesma disciplina para todos eles. Isso ajuda você a manter e melhorar sua disciplina e evita que você desenvolva maus hábitos comerciais.
Continue negociando com o seu lucro e eleve-o. Transforme isso em um enorme capital.
É possível transformar uma pequena conta em um saldo razoável que um profissional profissional precisa. Mas se você arrisca um grande dinheiro no começo e perde, é provável que você nunca consiga recuperar a perda, tanto emocional quanto tecnicamente. Forex trading pode tornar seus sonhos realidade. Não transforme essa oportunidade em um desastre, com os erros que podem ser facilmente evitados. Vamos negociar forex ser o melhor evento em sua vida, não um pesadelo que você não se atreve a lembrar.
Leia os artigos abaixo cuidadosamente antes de abrir uma conta ativa:
Se você iniciar sua jornada de negociação forex corretamente, e seguir o caminho certo que foi mostrado acima, você pode conseguir a vida que você sempre sonhou. É muito fácil se você levar a sério e seguir o caminho certo com cuidado e precisão. É literalmente impossível, se você seguir suas emoções e mentalidade, e tentar inventar novos caminhos. Se você é sério para se tornar um comerciante profissional e rentável, logo que possível, eu mostrei o caminho mais próximo. Cabe a você, se você seguir esse caminho, ou perder seu tempo tentando encontrar maneiras melhores ou mais próximas.
Leia isto se você gosta de saber como é ser um profissional em tempo integral: Como é a sensação de ser um profissional em tempo integral?
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ótimo artigo Chriss, eu vou do começo & # 8230;
Feliz negociação e boa sorte 🙂
Os 5 passos para se tornar um profissional consistentemente lucrativo é simples e direto que muitas pessoas provavelmente não levarão a sério, pois eles podem facilmente ver tantas estratégias de ensino do site que são complicadas. Depois de perder algum tempo e dinheiro como o caso comigo, eles vão venha a perceber que o que eles lêem em luckscout é tudo o que precisam para se tornarem trader consistentemente lucrativo. Vou, portanto, aconselhar que se você tiver sorte o suficiente para encontrar luckscout no início de sua carreira comercial, faça um favor enorme e coloque o que está escrito neste artigo e encurte sua curva de aprendizado.
Seus artigos são como comida diária para mim. I discovered trading in July this year(2014) through my friend and I didn`t like in beginning. He asked me to not use any indicators and just trade one currency pair. He came to me because I was s/w programmer and according to his belief, EA is the only way to go. So he wanted me to program it.
But my common sense tells me that if there were a perfect EA making money then people might already found it. I might be wrong but EA is too risky for me.
Then I started with 5min,15 min charts. But when I start reading LuckScout I realized how wrong I was. Now I just fell in love with weekly, monthly and daily charts, I don`t look shorter timeframes at all. Candlesticks and BB are way to go.
Hopefully I will be successful soon, I guess it take lot of persistence and I have still lot of thing to learn. But again, if it weren`t LuckScout then I would have given up on.
You are so lucky. For some people it takes years to realize that EAs, short time frames and… não funcione. Parabéns!
Thanks so much master Chris, i will follow as you advise.
Você é bem vindo. Eu te desejo o melhor.
hi chris… thanks for a superb article! The future is indeed really bright for anyone who is ready and willing to learn from you. you are a great mentor.
Thank you Steve.
I always want to say thanks to you chris..
The wày you trade and the way you teach us are great and easy to follow.
Que Deus te abençoe.
This is a very great summary about the steps we have to do. We just have to be patient and never give up. And finally we will be there. I am at the beginning of the demo trading phase. Not too profitable yet, at least not enough. I want to be satisfied with my result to go live. I take it very serious, perhaps too serious…
Muito obrigado!
Yes Otto. Você está certo. You should take it too serious.
Can you make and provide an e-book comprising all the link articles on this very particular article (Become a Profitable Trader in 5 Easy Steps) it will be very easy to read and study (even without the internet connection) if it will be in e-book and save to any ipad or laptop. It’s very much appreciated if it will be given free or no charge but I’m willing to pay for a reasonable amount (us$5.00) and it will be very great if all or some of the proceed will go to non-profit organization helping the poorest of the poor or the needy, like world food program.
I thank you and appreciate your sharing of your knowledge and wisdom on trading. I’m trading for about 3 or more years but on and off due to office work and time, I have already blown 2 or 3 live account (total lost of more of less us$ 1K, it is small to some but still money can buy something for my self and family, still I believe trading as you said can bring me or us to our financial dream with proper knowledge, attitude and believes.
Again thank you.
Thank you for your comment. The e-book you requested is added to our “to do list”. It will be offered for free definitely.
Thank you again, and happy trading.
You must be very successful investor. You must have already made millions in trading. Then why do you still write articles for us and give us free? I totally applaud your efforts and I never read same quality material anywhere, but wondering what is your motivation behind it?
Hi Singh. Writing is the only thing I am doing now. I am retired and don’t have anything to do. Trading doesn’t take me more than 15min per day. First I just wanted to kill some time through writing. Then I felt I like it. That is why I am still writing. I don’t have any other purpose. Of course, dealing with this site has made me learn something new about computer and the Internet every day. I was too dummy in these, but now I am learning a lot.
Obrigado Chris. You are doing amazing job. Deus te abençoe.
Thank you too Singh.
SINGH.. Very good question!
And Chris, your answer brought tears to my eyes!
l cannot believe that there are still people as generous as you Chris! You deserve every success that you have. Yes, most info is available and for free but to actually share with people what you use and how you actually do it is a completely different thing. I applaud and salute you Chris. And to think that you are not trying to scam anyone (because l cant seem to think of any catch here for you besides what you explained in your response) is just fantastic and amazing. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom! My interest in the market was renewed around September after reading newspaper “scam”. I started reading as much as l could (there’s just too much information out there) but you have made my journey half easy already as l know what to focus on. With the little knowledge that l have, l believe that your trading system works (My demo account agrees so far even though l’m still very new) and l will try my very best to master it. You have saved me and many others years of trial and error. How much does that cost really (come to think of it) l cannot thank you enough!
Sorry about the lengthy post.
May God continue to bless and prosper you Chris.
Thank you so much Ted. I am glad to hear that I am helping and you like what I do here.
That is true Ted. Take an example of what I found following on one of most visited site on internet.
This is very stupid but as a novice I would have believed it if I weren`t reading LuckScout. Internet is full of wrong information. Like Chris said, many people who write article about trading are not even trader themselves. So their information is wrong and dangerous for novice who tend to believe them easily.
I am so sorry Chris, I feel sad, I know that I already asked you this question, but this was after your answer here, now I can understand why you did not answered to me. It was already answered, my bad. I am reading more and more everyday and I learn in your articles but also with the answers and advice that you give to the members. Obrigado, senhor. You already know how I am grateful.
Just wondering if you have an article that discusses how to set up “profit target”? The link above takes me to stop loss article, instead of target.
Obrigado Chris. I will look it up shortly.
Your articles have been very helpful. Mantenha o bom trabalho 🙂
Você é bem vindo.
Regarding your question about time frame, that article was an old article written by someone else (because some others were used to write on LuckScout before I start writing). I deleted the article completely and so your comment that was attached to it got deleted too. By the way, hank you for informing me about that article. It was really a misleading article which was against what we are teaching on LuckScout now. Yes, we only follow the daily, weekly and monthly time frames.
So just going back to my question about the the time/process to analyse and raise orders…. Please confirm if my understanding is correct for daily charts.
1. End of day is 5pm EST (New York), when previous day candle completes.
2. After 5pm, Sydney opens. So during this session that you spend 30 minutes analysing the daily charts, and enter pending orders.
3. You don’t care which session (NY, Australia/Asia, London) your order is filled? For as long as it is filled before 5pm the next day.
4. Do you care whether it is Friday, weekend, public holiday in the US?
5. What about news? as the other article talks about concentrating in Asian session because no news are likely released in this session.
5. I don’t care about the news too. Which article talks about focusing the Asian session? If it is the below one, then it emphasizes at the end of the article that following the short time frames is not a good idea:
I read your articles daily even though I don’t comment. I am following your system of trading and I find it is definitely most reliable one. I have learnt so many things reading your article that I would never have found anywhere.
You are a unique person who shares his knowledge and helps others learn without expecting anything in return. I think we are very fortunate to have you to learn trading from. Que Deus te abençoe.
Hi Chris thanks for the information. Can you please or anyone here tell me of any reliable brokers in New Zealand or for those who want to trade from NZ. Hoping to get into it.. just don’t wanna fall into some sort of scam like some people I’ve heard. cheers for the articles.
Você é bem vindo.
Unfortunately we cannot recommend any broker for some important reasons. Hope you will excuse us.
Thank you for all the information you are sharing with us.
Since I read casually your first article surfing on the web I am getting better results in my live account.
I opened one year ago a live account with $2,000 and during this last year I lost almost the totally of my money, leaving only $40.
Since I am following you in this last month I have been able to grow up this amount to close to $200.
My question is if I have to close this account and follow your lessons opening a Demo account for the next three months or I can keep working with my current live account.
I feel more comfortable with a live account because I deal with my emotions, (something that I have learned during this last year).
I have been working following Price Action and LuckScout signals but I lost my money because I was starving of getting my money back.
Now, following your daily articles I feel more comfortable and I am not expending all the day in front of my computer.
Muito obrigado novamente.
You are one of the best person I have ever met!
Keep sharing with us your knowledge, someone from Spain is waiting your comments every day.
Do I have to open a Demo Account or do I have to keep my live account open?. My goal, by now, is to recover my money with patient and then follow with my system.
Sorry for my English. It is not my native language.
I am afraid your strong desire to recover your losses can make you follow your emotions. You are taking a bigger risk when you trade like this. You will always have time to recover your losses when you become confident enough in your trading. So, if you ask me whether you should open a demo or keep on trading with your live account, I suggest you to open a demo to build your confidence, then you can trade with your live account. Your question tells me that you are not confident enough yet.
Happy and successful 2015 year.
I wish you long life and healthy.
Thank you Chris for all.
Happy new year 2015, Chris.
I’ve been following LuckScout for about 7 months. Now.. i feel confident enough to trade better than the years before. Great success for you and may good always bless you chris.
Happy New Years Chris, I must thank you as you have contributed a lot into helping me as I learn to become a full time trader. A little bit off subject, but I just have one question I couldn’t find any answers to if you could kindly confirm if this is true… Let’s say if the number of candlesticks on a 5 minute charts is 12 per hour and lets say in a certain hour 7 of the already shown candlesticks are bullish with the remaining 5 to come. Does that (7/12) automatically confirm that the next candlestick on the hour chart will be bullish? Does it work that way? Obrigado Chris.
That doesn’t make sense on market, because trend are too strong on this market and still so many other bullish candlesticks can form.
Today is my 6th day regarding learning. I just finish my meditation and seeking for a true mentor who can help me wholeheartedly how to learn. I guess, I found the right one, Chris. Your prudence and self-business awareness are quite amazing I read 3 posts but I can figure it out. You have not only discussed about but also trading from a psychological point of view. I am quite sure you have achieved most of your financial goals except the biggest one creating a legacy.
I am so lucky I found your blog so early of my learning and once again wholeheartedly thanks to you and your team for such an amazing altruist effort. I will be writing regularly…..
awesome site look forward to learning thanks Chris kamel and rest.
Hi Chris, I am glad to know LuckScout. I think you teach us what we need to know to be profitable traders.
Muito obrigado.
Obrigado e bem-vindo ao LuckScout.
Hello Chris, my question is which of the brokers do you recommend? Obrigado.
We don’t recommend any broker on LuckScout. Me desculpe por isso.
I’m a young girl and my big dream is travelling the world. I think is the best way to make a living and pay for my travels. But I know I need a lot of time and hard work in order to begin to earn. Can you tell me how much time do you think it take to begin making a living? Sorry for potential mistakes. O inglês não é minha primeira língua.
Thanks in advance for your kind reply.
Bem vindo ao LuckScout.
It can be different from trader to trader. Nenhum dos comerciantes são os mesmos.
Thanks for answering me. Yeah, I get it. It’s very personal and there is no real answer for that question. I heard of binary options. Some people think they’re better for total beginners like myself than , cause they’re easier. What do you think about that? Do you think I should start with binary options, or is it better ?
I don’t think someone who is not a profitable trader can have any success with binary options, and all other kinds of trading (I am not talking about you. I am talking in general).
So, I don’t believe what those people say can be true.
Muito obrigado. It is what I thought. Can you, please, tell me where I can find the ebook containing all the articles of this post, so that I can begin to read all of the educational material you’ve provided to us ? Really thanks for your work. Hopefully, I will begin trading soon.
You can click on each article’s link to refer to the article’s page. However, here is the ebook you can download:
Can you tell me where is the “to do list” where I can find the ebook containing all the articles of this post? Obrigado novamente por sua ajuda. Hopefully, I will start trading soon.
You follow each article from this page by clicking on the articles title link. You can download the e-book from here too:
Really thanks for your work. And sorry for posting the same message twice. I thought I had failed sending the first message.
Please do yourself a huge favor and do not open a live account yet. If you start with a live account without much experience, your dream may turn into a nightmare. I lost $50000 because i started trading without knowing what i was doing. Most of it was borrowed money as well, so now i’m in debt and i pay interest every month. That was before i discovered LuckScout. Now i have a demo account and i’m learning the main “LuckScout system”. I will not open a live account until i have mastered the system and i’m profitable with my demo account for at least six months. This is what Chris tells us again and again. It takes patience, but it can save you so much trouble. One other important rule of course is that you should not have more money in your account than you’re prepared to lose (another rule i broke).
By the way, the ebook is a sort of summary of the articles here on the site. I still think it is better to learn by reading the articles (use this article as a starting point) and to use the book as a handy guide if you forgot something and want to look it up quickly.
I’ve just stumbled upon your site and I’m amazed by the quality of your work. Your site is not very famous among traders, but it is much better then most popular sites. Although I don’t know you at all, I feel I trust you more than the many self-proclaimed experts around the web. So, according with your experience, do you think it is possibile to make 5 or 10 percent of the entire capital daily? If it so, how many positions do I have to take to reach this goal, without risking more than 5 percent of my capital in a day? I’m a complete newbie, so it is possible that I’m just saying a load of nonsense. I just would like if you could help me to clear my confuse ideas.
Welcome to LuckScout!
We don’t think about making a fixed amount of profit every day. Indeed, it is not good to set a daily monetary or pip goal. We just wait for the too strong setups on the daily, weekly and monthly time frames. The profit is what the market has to give us.
I thought it is what right to have a certain percentual to achieve daily. How can I know how many trades I need to do dayly? And how can I recognize the strong setups? Sorry for all these questions, but I’m really confused at the moment.
Start from here and advance step by step:
Forget about the number of trades and these things.
Well, if you say so, I will. But, at least, can I know the best duration for a single trade, or it depens on the circumstations? You said, short timeframes are not good. How long do you usually leave your positions open? Obrigado novamente por sua ajuda.
It depends on the conditions. It is impossible to say how many trade setups we will have every day or every month.
If you’re new to trading and don’t know when to close a position, i recommend this article: luckscout/a-profitable - - trading-strategy-for-novice - - traders/.
Of course if you’re totally new to trading you should first start learning a trading system, like the one that is explained here in this main article(luckscout/become-a-profitable - - trader-in-5-easy-steps/).
We can’t know how much trade setups we will have in a day or in a month, but how about the trade duration? Is there a minimum duration per single trade you can recommend?
We hold the positions till they either hit the stop loss or target. It is not clear to us how long it takes.
This site is absolutely brilliant! I have never seen something so detailed and clear before. Just “thank you” wouldn’t be enough, god bless you!
Thank you and welcome to LuckScout 🙂
Hello LuckScout team, thanks a lot for this massive content of relevant information about trading. I hope you don’t mind to be a bit critical. For me as a beginner the page is overwhelming. What do I mean, I tried to start with step one “Learn the Basics” but through all the sublinks with its content and also sublinks, I can not keep track where to go next. As I said it is a criticism but please it is only well meant! I appreciate your work and if you may have time to consider it, it would make me happy. I’ll remain modest and keep my mouth shut for now.
Bem vindo ao LuckScout.
Sorry to hear that this page looks confusing to you. One way I can figure out is that you leave this page open and then right click on each of the articles titles from the beginning and open them on a new tab. You can highlight the titles, so that you know which one you have opened and read. Just please start from the beginning of this page.
Please let me know if I have not been able to answer your question. Will be glad to help.
I don’t know if maybe you’re making the same mistake as i did. There are certain words and phrases in each article, that are automatically turned into links. Take this article for example, in the first paragraph, those phrases are: “complicated”, “make money” and “job”. They are meant to be optional, so you can safely skip them if you’re just starting. I did not understand this at first and read a lot of them and like you, became overwhelmed because this site contains hundreds of articles.
If you only read the numbered links in this article, that’s still a lot. And indeed there are some more numbered links in the linked articles. But if you look closely, most of them (the links inside the links) are also in one of the lists of this main article.
For example, the second link in the “learn the basics” section of this article is called “What Is and How to Make Money with It?”. In that linked article, the first three numbered links you don’t have to click, because they are also in this main article here. The same goes for a lot of other links. You can click them of course, but it’s less confusing if you just stick with the order in this main article.
Espero que isso ajude 🙂
i like your articles…do u manage accounts as well..plz tell..thanks.
When you say you trade on Daily, Weekly & Monthly timeframes, so how do you reconcile the 3 timeframes and decide on which timeframe trades to take ?
Warm Regards & Obrigado !!
No, we look for the individual trade setup that form on any of the daily, weekly or monthly time frames.
I have just registered and hopefully till Chris lives I will not leave him haha . Great website.
Welcome Jonathan. I do my best to live, not to make you leave 🙂
You are an excellent mentor and very grounded person .. wish I meet you one day and appreciate how amazingly you respond each and everyone.
I want to thank you for all the efforts you have made.
Not sure if you allow me to translation this great article into Chinese (and some others maybe in the future)? The copy right will be your for sure.
You might have different concerns, such as the quality of the translation so it is understandable if you want to keep it in English version only.
Thank you for your offer.
I think it is better to have the articles in English. Any translation can hurt the real meaning of what I was trying to say.
I respect you and your offer. Please don’t take it personal.
Sure, fully understood.
i hope the Swiss tsunami will not happen again if the stop loss does not work at that time.
Am 2months old in trading am happy to have met Chris as my mentor. i wiped out two small account in march due to lack of stop loss and risk management. After going through every link in luckscout/become-a-profitable - - trader-in-5-easy-steps/ am now able to get profits in my demo account. I have been able to turn $47 to $139.91 in 3 days using what i have learned and acquired in all the articles in above links. Am using daily and Ihr times frames to follow the market. Thanks alot chris and all LuckScout contributors for such priceless information you offer for free. i will open an new live account after i have mastered my strategy and have made $953 profits (2027% account growth) in demo no matter how long it takes now. May the Lord bless you more.
Am now at least confortable now with candlesticks and DBB strategy. I wil open a $20 mini live account soon and increase my strategy masterery and increase displine, patient so that i can take strong trade setup ONLY. I owe YOU my successs because you have saved me and many others who were struggling to make it after blowing two live account and you increased my ambition to learn. Thanks you alot.
Good luck Stephen.
I have done a powerpoint photo album from photos with motivational statements on trading I got from Wise Fx Traders Network. I wanted to find out if I can share it here on LuckScout. Can I e-mail you first so you can see what’s on it.
Muito obrigado.
Please contact us at luckscout/contact/ and wait for our reply. Then you will be able to send your file. We will be more than happy to share it on LuckScout. In addition to this, you can open a topic on our forums and share your file from there too.
What I am worried about is that whether those people allow us to share their photos on the site. I think we have to ask for their permission before doing it.
Muito obrigado pela sua resposta. I think let’s wait for now. There is nothing that you haven’t taught here already anyway.
Any news of this powerpoint? It might be worth of taking a look at it!
I amso happy to be back on your list. I don’t know what happened but I was not longer a member, as ofa few weeks ago. I was getting your daily Emails but could not make any comments. Well I tried emailing you to tell you, but I kept getting messages that the emails were undeliveraable to your addresses.
I bring this up because it might have happened to others. In addition to that, I would like to register for your new program which is coming up, and you discussed a few weeks ago.
Thanks and glad to be back.
wow, i’m making good progress on this scheme 🙂
I am almost ready to open a small live account. This time around, I’ve been preparing my self emotionally and have dedicated myself to learning your system inside and out. )
I realize that I need to stop pressing the button every time I find a so so trade setup. I need to trade like a predator and not be the prey…I need to be patient, control my emotions and wait for the too strong setups! Profits will come if I do these things…!!
Thank You and God bless you for the work your doing here.
The challenge for me is to not jump around and stay on task as I take each lesson step by step. I’m already familiar with and therein lies the danger. I’ve noticed a tendency in me to want to jump around the links, and then I end up with 5 windows open and have gone nowhere! RI MUITO.
Here I will learn the foundations of what it takes to learn this business correctly and once again, I thank you for the path you’ve laid out.
Thank you for your kind words, and welcome to LuckScout.
This is really great that you have a background about and trading. You are several steps ahead of others. I suggest you to learn the strong and profitable candlestick patterns that I follow, and you are done. You don’t need anything else. I published an article about these patterns yesterday:
So, there is only a few or few articles that you have to read to start trading. After that, please master these candlestick patterns through demo trading and make sure to repeat your success for six consecutive months at least. Then you can start with a too small live account:
I am always here to answer your questions.
I have always the same problem but Now I am trying to focus. Sometimes when I dont understand things I get so frustated but I dont let it be a permanent depression rather I study more. Lets see 🙂
Obrigado Chris. I traded for a long time. But Now i understand what is ? So many great article here are enough for trader to be professional.
Thanks for all that you have done. I came across your site two weeks back and haven’t look at another site as much as here now.
I have been day-trading options and index futures for many many years but without much success. Spent a lot of money on trading products (most don’t work) and lost a lot of money too.
Negociar é um negócio difícil. Thanks for showing us the right way. Abundance is indeed available to all who are ready to work and receive it. I will contribute as much as I can back to this wonderful community as I learn the 5 Steps all over again.
Just a quick question :
How do I determine what time (in EST) does a daily close as different broker uses different server time? I am currently on the CM server :CM-USDDemo01- Capital Markets, LLC.
Many thanks and may you continue to be abundantly blessed in all areas of your life.
As a first time visitor to your site, I find it very simple and informative. I will use as a source of information to develop my trading skill in the future. BRO JOBBAT! Chris with your team.
Till now I have read most of the articles about our regular trading system.
Tonight I’m going to start the 3-4 months of demo trading to see if I can adapt myself to what I’ve learnt.
I’m not in a hurry to become wealthy. I’m in a hurry to leave the job I never wanted to become mentally eased. I hope I could be able to make my account grow slowly and steadily.
Obrigado por tudo.
Oi Cris. I don’t get something about my platform. When I take a new position, two lines appear on my chart, indicating my sl and tp positions, but these data don’t match my calculations. I took a position at 1.24164, and I’ve put my stop at 1.24635, which is which means 54 pips, but the chart line tells me my stop loss is 400 pips. Or maybe it isn’t about my positions values? Obrigado.
what platform you are using?
Please share a screen shot while the terminal is open.
Unfortunately, the position I had opened, it’s already closed. I made a profit of 87 bucks, but I don’t know how to count my pips. I entered at 1.24164, and my short position take profit was at 1.23093. It was a 0.1 lots, this would mean 1 dollar per pip, but it doensn’t seem I made 87 pips. Can you please tell me how can I calculate my pips number? Thanks a lot, sir. It’s very important to me.
Por favor leia isto:
Finally, I finished reading all these articles and it’s “inside articles” mentioned above. After 4 weeks of 4 hours almost everyday reading and analyzing, trying to locate the setups, reading every comments, quiz and…although there’s still lots of article I haven’t read yet which is not mentioned above, finally I can start opening my 2nd demo account with less emotions and hopefully more profitable this time. I guess after three months of training, I’ll finish reading this entire website along the way. This site is really addictive 🙂 🙂
Wish me luck guys 🙂 lol.
I guess the title should be “Become a profitable trader in 5 easy but needs patience steps” hahaha ..just kidding. 🙂 🙂
Parabéns. Now the works is much easier for you. Just wait for the strong candlestick patterns and trade the long time frames:
Muito obrigado Chris.
We owe you so much that even tons of precious diamond can’t replace all the valuable guidance you’ve given us for free.
You didn’t only lead me to become profitable but also changed my perceptions and personality towards money and everything.
May God bless you abundantly.
p/s: I don’t have precious diamond btw. 🙂
Good luck B. Hairro.
I felt funny that this site is so addictive. I’ve read some of the articles above more than 5 times just to read the comments and refer back to the articles.
So here is what I do so far from what I’ve learnt on “this page”;
I check the 50SMA everyday.
If the price is too far from the 50SMA, exhausted or ranging, I wait for a too strong trade setup or a resistance/support breakout.
If it is a healthy trend, I wait for DBB (BB1) breakout.
If the market is too noisy, I’ll just forget it.
I like your strategy. Parabéns!
Obrigado Chris.
It is an honor for me that you agreed with my strategy.
Today I was finished reading and “re-learn” the trading system. Not here on this site, but from the e-Book you guys provided us with. It comes to this conclusion that is was actually an “all-in-one” book which summarize the contents of all of the articles above. Much simpler and much easier to refer in case if I forgot something.
One question in my mind, I noticed that the e-Book was entitled “LuckScout Trading system & Examples V4.3”.
Sir, is the “V4.3” means it is just an improvement of the book’s content or there are other versions of the book? Estou faltando alguma coisa aqui? 🙂
Peter adds the new articles and points to the e-book once in a while, and so the new version comes which is more complete compared to the previous one. So, if you have the last version, then you don’t need the other versions.
Obrigado Chris.
Can you please provide the link to download the eBook “LuckScout Trading system & Examples”.
I am a new to the LuckScout but I find it very informative and simple to trade. Great work Chris and your team.
Desde Buenos Aires Argentina, thank u, gran informacion!
I not asking u to do a favor but some ECN brokers provide $100 accounts is it ok.
What is the min lot size they support?
I was wondering, wouldn’t it be a good feature for the website if it saved your progress through the five steps similar to how babypips does it for its members? this way one never forgets where and how far they are.
I don’t think we will have to do that with the new article I published:
Your site is WONDERFULL.
what is difference between and binaryoption trading?
Hey Chris…. I couldnot download your ebook Please w8tn eagerly for u r ebook that would be the Holy book for me.
well for me it didn’t work either, now it just tells me that I already subscripted to the newsletter. However, I would still love to have that ebook if possible. Chris, in any case my appreciation for you is certainly endless for sharing your knowledge with us and that for free.
You can download it here:
Dear Chriss, I finally manage to have demo account but I don’t know how to (give) put my orders in my demo account. I mean where is the window to put the target profit, the stop loss, if I choose that the price goes down or up, etc.. simple practical things. I traded with Binary Options which you have to choose the movement of the price, up or down and the time.
Do you have any videos about this or article?
Muito obrigado.
Please take a look at the MT4 articles here:
i’m so happy be familiar your site.
my trading life is 5 month and i m novic trader .
after 2 month search in net pickup your site and reading articles and follwing strategy DBB+ with few modifing and after 2 month work with DBB in two acconut 50 usd in demo now result:
1 + balance 50 usd = and now is 94 usd just 2 or 3 position 0.01 lot !
2th : balance 50 = and now is 128 usd just 5 postion with 0.01 lot.
i want to retry it for 3 other month and become masster it.
Thank Dear Chris.
if can one day see you i hug you and kiss and kiss you.
Congratulations for your success and thank you for your comment.
Mantenha o bom trabalho 🙂
I can see there are many videos about Technical Analysis here. But I also see the article about Strong Trade setup, and not taking too much analysis in the chart to get confused posted by Kamel. I want to ask that what I should follow Chris, do I have to come over all those videos about Chart analysis here. Thanks, Chris. I’m a newbie in this forum and also so I really need help to choose the right track that I can be sure I’ll success with enough effort. My email is …, if you can please send me your Skype ID so that I can talk to you. I always want to have a friend who is a professional trader. Obrigado.
Yes, following those videos helps a lot.
I’m from China and I’ve subscribed to your rss feed. But I didn’t receive any e-book download link. Could you please tell me how to download your ebook? Muito obrigado.
You can download it here:
You know Chris, I am following as it is whatever you recommend here though I am a continuous trader since 2010. Now, I can understand how fool I was! My previous trading set up was all wrong though sometimes I could achieve some but average, I became failure. You know Chris, when I got this site, for some minutes I was just thinking that how lovely and helpful buddy, Chris you are who sincerely, honestly and frankly share his knowledge by teaching on Fx which is very very important for every types of trader. Only for you and your creative team, we are save now in this challenging market. You save us from not only our account balance become wiping out but also save us from this challenging market being removed for forever. Now, I feel I deserve success because I got EXCELLENCE:”You and Your Trading System”. I firmly believe;following you, just only following your method I must be succeed, indeed. Not only I simply believe it, I feel it too strongly.
Long live my dear Chris.
Im in middle of the second step (I mean Learn a Trading System). Can I start demo account? or I should finish all these articles in learn a trading system before that? even Complementary articles? Can I start a demo account and read complementary articles as parallel? I think I have learned all articles that I have read before.
Thanks for your answer…
I am so very happy to have found your site and thank you so much for your teaching and your time for putting all your knowledge together. I like your site very much, It’s actually great to read and your clear explanations are very easy to understand also for us non-native english speakers. I consider myself very lucky to have become one of your students. I’m so confident now with your guidance, one day I will be a professional trader and hope I can stay under your wing for the future. I am really thankful for all your efforts to give us such comprehensive teaching for free. I am so happy to be part of your community. Please do keep up the fantastic work! Deus abençoe! Your new student, imre.
Genuine Newbie so be gentle lol. My aim is to spend the next 1 – 2 years or however long it takes to make trading take me into and beyond my retirement, which is looming ever closer. Is this system for me? I am not a “rush in and throw money at it” tipo de cara. From the comments on here I get the feeling that slow and steady wins the race.
Finally I have found an article that I can say is the table of contents. I see from the list the articles I have covered are all grayed out. Now I am starting from the top and read every article, I will not repeat the ones I have read because they were so clear such that I remember everything.
This is a happy Easter for me, in fact I started reading here a few days ago, with each article I read I am left with lasting knowledge on the topic discussed. Thank you for being the great writer that you are. Every topic I have covered, was so easy to understand that I did not even need extra supporting information.
You make trading so easy. I can safely say my technical analysis and the basic understanding of will boom when I am done with you.
Obrigado, obrigado, obrigado. Happy Easter.
Maybe you don’t need this. I wish you and your team all the success you desire. What you have shared here is more than enough to almost guarantee me success, it is how I use it that will determine everything.
Hai chris. Im newbie here. And such a good article all about here. I learned some candle language. Do you provide any training in person ? I wish to learn more. Thanxs chris.
i always loved your articles chris youre a really really great guy.
Hello Chris from few days we could not find articles category wise… like when we used to go to trading section there we could find different sub categories like money management, candlesticks etc but now we could not find them.
I absolutely do not know how to thank you for everything you have taught us! Uditha directed me to your forum and that changed everything! Even though I have not earned much yet we know that we are on the right path thanks to you. What you are doing is something invaluable. You make us what we wanna be. I feel like I owe you so much Chris. Best thing I can do to repay you is guiding fellow traders for nothing in return. Which Uditha and I have done recently. Sharing your wisdom enlightens people chris. Bless you and your co. I’m indebted to you.
Obrigado pela sua gentileza. I am glad you like what we do here. Still there are a lot to come. Make sure to read our new e-book:
Just when i thought we couldn’t be more grateful to you guys, you guys sent us this! Truly thankful to you! Currently I am in debt because of i didn’t manage my money well. But I will never give up. I promise you that If me and my friend achieve what we are after we ill come and see you in person and thank you guys! Felicidades!
I really look forward to join your proven strategy. Currently as i said I’m in debt. As soon as i get out of it and as soon as i make enough money to invest in your team, I definitely will. I wish you and our fellow team guys all the guts and nuts to chase what you are after. We will join forces! Felicidades!
Thank you Shammi.
Everything will be OK 🙂
The link to download the e-book is broken, opening luckscout/the-LuckScout-trading-systems-and-methods/ just goes to a “404 — Fancy meeting you here!” página.
May you repost the old articles that were on this page?!
They haven’t been deleted. They are merged. For example, all the candlestick articles can be found here:

TOP 100 Blogs Forex: Lista dos Melhores Sites Forex a Seguir.
Reuni uma lista dos melhores blogs e sites relacionados a Forex e agora temos uma lista enorme dos top 100 blogs de Forex.
So here’s what I did. I Googled for other sites that have list of Forex blogs and all of them were old, incomplete, with lots of dead links, etc. When it became apparent that this list wasn’t very satisfactory, I added to the list all of the URLs listed under the Alexa Forex classification. Obviously, not all of them are blog sites so I manually visited hundreds of sites and picked only those relevant to this list. But I was still not happy with the outcome, so I went to the Alexa top 1 million list and isolated all the URLs that contained the string “forex”. I added the first 100 of those to the list.
This created a list of almost 600 URLs. Then I manually visited all of them to pick only top Forex blog sites and the result is below: TOP 100 Forex Blogs.
What makes my TOP 100 Forex blog list unique?
What makes my TOP 100 Forex blog list to be unique is that I hand picked all of these sites and one of the things I looked for specifically was if the blog actually has recent posts.
On this TOP 100 list of Forex blogs, you will find only those who have been active recently, well, at least before 2017 September when I did the research 🙂
I hope you find this useful. Check out the TOP 100 Forex Blogs list below, and then let me know what you think of them in the comments below.
1. Bloomberg.
Bloomberg delivers up-to-date global news not only regarding finance and business but also on matters pertaining to government policies, company profiles, industry trends, technology, global economic and a lot more to help its readers make wise and better decisions. The analysis, data and news it delivers help the readers improve their financial situation, improve their efficiency, find solutions to cut their costs and strengthen the growth of their company and investments.
2. Investir.
A worldwide financial portal, Investing provides financial tools, technical data, news analysis, charts, streaming stock quotes and charts on worldwide financial markets. It covers many different financial vehicles such as options, futures, interest rates, currencies, commodities, bonds and stocks. It provides real-time technical charts and real time quotes for bonds, options, futures, ETFs, commodities, stocks, indices, and currency pairs from across the globe. The readers are able to monitor and make a good analysis of the markets based on their individual methodologies through the use of various interactive charts that are accompanied with drawing tools and technical analysis.
3. Zerohedge.
A content aggregator and news website, Zero Hedge contains blogs and reports on the financial sector, economics and Wall Street. If you are looking for a site that informs and makes you laugh, this is the site that can do both for you. Although it oftentimes takes a bearish view on the market and economy, it has a lot to say about the national/federal debt, standing of the dollar, inflation, hedge funds and more that are not quite known to everyone. Muito educativo, o Zero Hedge é um site de onde qualquer trader e investidor obterá insights, seguindo seus comentários.
4. Etoro.
Considered as the biggest social trading & investment network worldwide, eToro makes it possible for investors and traders to follow what financial trading activities other investors and traders have and copy such trades as well. Both professional and amateur investors and traders can participate in this investment network. Users are not only allowed to follow the trading activities of other users but they can also learn from one another through sharing personal trading experiences. eToro focuses on bitcoin trading in the form of stock and stock trading. Those traders who can work well with others and new traders who need more guidance can benefit the most from eToro forex trading.
5. LearnToTradeTheMarket.
This is a blog by Nial Fuller, one of the world’s most sought after trading mentors. As a professional trader, author and mentor, Nial Fuller shares his expertise on trading forex by providing trading analysis, giving market comments and more on a day-to-day basis. The readers of this blog will especially gain information and insights on forex trading based on Fuller’s proprietary trading strategies that he has formulated in his twelve years’ experience in trading. Aspiring traders can make the most out of this site by earning money and at the same time learning about “price action trading” which was authored by Nial Fuller himself.
6. Dailyfx.
DailyFX provides very useful news and information pertaining to forex market and currency trading analysis. As its main focus is on foreign exchange, it offers detailed information on the previous and day-to-day changes pertaining to the currency markets. The readers will learn about technical analysis concerning currency pair; get insights from trading recommendations; know how the technical, economic and political factors influence the financial markets; and become familiarize with the forex concepts, terms and techniques commonly applied in the forex market through this site.
7. FXStreet.
When it comes to providing quality forex information and news, FXStreet is one of the leading currency trading portals. Through this site the readers will receive lots of information on many different areas related to currency trading such as real-time exchange rates, technical analysis/studies, market analysis/forecasts, and currency charts. It also provides trading newsletters and live webinars of famous currency market experts, creating professional growth for its collaborators such as the banks, brokers, analysts and educators as well as to its audience in all levels. Through the site’s latest market updates and broker reviews, forex traders will definitely learn more to improve their skills on trading.
8. Babypips.
A comprehensive educational resource on forex trading, BabyPips is highly recommended for new traders as it provides a great deal of information about the ABCs of forex trading by using simple terms that everyone can understand. If you are looking for an interesting way to learn forex trading, BabyPips is the site for you as it delivers fun and informative content not only for beginners but also for traders in all levels. It is known to expand a trader’s view of the markets. It primarily teaches beginners the fundamentals and techniques as well as the different methods and styles of forex trading from which they can create their own as well.
9. ForexPeaceArmy.
ForexPeaceArmy is one of our most-linked-to sites because of all the valuable resources they offer to traders. If you haven’t heard of FPA then you must not have been around the forex market for very long. They offer reviews on forex projects, signal services, robots and other tools for traders. You can also find great forums for discussions and also for current trades and trade setups. This is one of the first sites my team and I visit when we are researching any new product or tool to purchase. Any time spent on FPA is time well spent.
10. Tradingeconomics.
Trading Economics has a lot of information to offer its users since it provides them with precise information covering 232 countries from around the world. The users can practically view, compare and download data from 232 nations. This includes historical data for over 300.000 economic indicators, stock market indexes, exchange rates, commodity prices, government bond yields and a lot more. Its data are taken from official sources and not from 3 rd - party data providers. When you are visiting Trading Economics site you can trust the facts you see since the site regularly checks their facts to avoid inconsistencies.
11. Forexschoolonline.
A professional Futures and Forex trader and an expert at price action, Johnathan Fox created Forex School Online with a goal to introduce traders to price action in all levels that are known to help them in their trading at all times in their lifetime. Forex School Online teaches progressive price action courses; newbies are taught the beginner level course, while the advanced traders are taught the advanced level courses. It provides video tutorials, webinars, trade setups, courses and more. On this site, the users can learn in-depth and direct price action courses that are complemented with relevant videos. They can also learn about money management.
12. FXEmpire.
A news and media site, FXEmpire provides reliable financial information to individual investors and active traders. It provides news covering commodities, currencies, central bank information and economic events as well as prepares technical and fundamental analyses on major currencies, indices and commodities. It offers its users expert market and forex reviews as well as provides them with global charts, quotes and business news related to major markets. It provides thousands of financial instruments that include ETFs, bonds, commodities, indices and stocks. This site is also known to provide information and analysis on stock exchanges that include NASDAQ, NYSE, OMX Helsinki and more.
13. Blog. hotforex.
Garnering a dozen of industry awards, HotForex is a fully licensed and regulated commodities and forex broker. This financial investment website provides a variety of trading tools, trading software and accounts to help institutional customers, fund managers and individuals in their commodities and forex trading activities. It provides “specialized technical analysis reports.” These reports include numerous asset classes from commodities to indices. In addition, long, medium and short-term traders can benefit from many reports that are based on various technical indicators.
14. Earnforex.
A very popular online forex resource, Earn Forex features a great deal of learning resources, informative blogs and FX broker reviews. Advanced and beginner traders can benefit from this site as they learn the different trading tools it offers, from money management to technical analysis and more. It provides ebooks covering various topics on getting started, forex strategy, trading psychology and a lot more. The blog posts and articles it features are related to forex topics that include outlooks on certain currency pairs and market analysis. If you want an overview of various currency trading brokers, Earn Forex provides reviews and more information on each broker so you can make your best choice.
15. Blog. fxopen.
A popular forex dealer, FXOpen is trusted by many traders worldwide. It is known for its state-of-the-art trading platforms. Through its MT4 ECN platform the retail traders can have access to interbank FX markets. The cutting edge MetaTrader 4 platform, the mobile version or the desktop version, has been favored by many users as it is convenient and simple to use. You can let a professional manage your funds through its most transparent, secure and convenient PAMM system or also called as the Percentage Allocation Management Module system. Aside from these platforms, FXOpen also provides the latest news, technical analysis and calendar to help traders in their pursuit of improving their trading activities.
16. FinanceMagnates.
A trading research company, Forex Magnates specializes in delivering forex research and news. It is the favorite site of most retail FX market participants and leaders who await the most up-to-date news and a thorough analysis of the most recent events. It publishes retail FX reports covering the most recent trading volumes, market trends and more on a quarterly basis. Investment firms, banks, forex brokers and those who want to receive an accurate report of the retail forex industry use these quarterly reports. It also organizes FX industry conferences.
17. Blog. iFOREX.
Developed by forex traders and bankers, iForex has grown to become one of the most respected and largest companies in the trading industry. It provides easy-to-read education guides to trading CFDs or Forex for all traders in all levels. Aside from the guides, the traders can also learn from the advanced and basic interactive tutorials it provides. The traders can have an easy access of its daily economic analysis and market report, including a calendar of important economic events. Traders can choose from more than eighty currency pairs, commodities and indices through its mobile trading platform, while they can select from more than thirty tradable currencies through its web-based platform. Through its FXnet platform, professional traders can avail of advanced integrated charts.
18. Actionforex.
Action Forex is an educational site that provides information about the forex markets and forex trading. This site provides a variety of information that includes trade analysis, daily news and market insights. This is a good site both for new and advanced traders where they can learn a lot about investing, trading, money management and technical analysis through its tutorials, lessons, videos, articles, ebooks and books. Action Forex provides valuable research and posts regarding international currencies and other related topics. It also provides live forex rates and charts.
19. Roboforex.
An international FX broker, RoboForex offers a number of FX trading services that include professional ECN trading and cent accounts to businesses and individuals. Ele oferece várias plataformas de negociação e mais de duzentos instrumentos de negociação para a conveniência de todos os tipos de comerciantes de forex. Both expert and beginner traders can benefit from the advice, news and information it provides. It does not only provide live forex and company news to advanced traders but it also offers a technical analysis of their chosen currency pairs.
20. Forexlive.
If you are searching for quality real-time forex technical analysis and news, Forex Live will keep you informed since it provides brief forex news with some fun, perspective and personality for traders in all levels on a daily basis. Readers can learn some new ideas pertaining to currency pair trading through reading its blog updates, commentary and opinion daily. The insightful commentary, expert analysis on FX markets and central banks, and important information and facts delivered by its FX trading reporters and thinkers can help traders make better decisions.
21. ForexCrunch.
A site created for everyone-from newbie traders to savvy economists, Forex Crunch covers everything about the forex market, which includes the fundamentals of the FX market, tutorials, technical analysis, weekly and daily FX analysis, FX software posts, opinions, news, insights regarding the FX industry and any topic related to forex. With the aim of helping people trade FX responsibly, Forex Crunch delivers information with transparency and a bit of humor. Moreover, its editorial is somewhat pure fx trading and it aims to provide a balanced commentary.
22. DailyForex.
DailyForex is one of those sites that can provide traders all the essential information they need to succeed at forex trading. It basically provides a thorough review of forex products, forex brokers, offline and online forex courses and signal providers. This site is good both for experienced and new forex traders who are searching for clear and user-friendly tools to help them make a wise decision when it comes to picking the right forex service that suits their needs. DailyForex specializes in forex education, articles, technical analysis, news, online trading, trading reviews and brokers reviews. It evaluates many characteristics in its reviews such as withdrawal process, payment methods, supported platforms, customer support and registration process.
23. Reuters.
With Reuters, they are a very reliable and a daily go-to news website that offer rich content as well as comprehensive professional coverage. It offers a wide edition of global editions that do cover worldwide forex topics and trending news. They refine their news with specific categories that they tag making it easier to ascertain what news to filter out.
24. Efxnews.
This unique website is a great forex news website with timely coverage with intensive analysis in categories like Central Bank Insider, Institutional Strategies, eFx columns or any other article columns. The contents of each news segment highlight important trading strategies and examples as applicable to the specific news. They give clear analysis and as well expound on the best trading opportunities within the news segment where applicable.
25. Forex4noobs.
Forex4noobs is great for traders who want to learn how to trade forex using price action. This site helps traders utilize price action so that they are able to make profits in forex trading, exit and enter trades with perfect timing and correctly predict price continuations and price reversals. It provides a good forum, education, tools and videos that include real-time trading videos. It also provides trading courses that are easy to comprehend and in which the words used are clearly defined, making it easy for newbie traders to understand every word used. The articles on this site contain lots of great tips and ideas related to forex trading.
26. IFCMarkets.
A major online international broker, IFC Markets offers two very good platforms, the MetaTrader 4 and NetTradeX. This site is great for those who trade not only in forex trading but also in commodity CFDs, stocks, indices and futures. Newbie traders can benefit from the demo account options it offers. If you are looking for a company that can offer support on every trading issue, news feeds, market overviews and fundamental and regular analysis, IFC Markets provides professional assistance to all its international clients. What’s more it provides many different trading instruments such as precious metals, currency pairs and more.
27. Counting Pips.
This is among the reputable news streaming websites you will come across, but what makes it unique is its series of precisely written short speculative articles of all kinds especially in the currency section. Countingpips also harbors regular feature articles that as well have opinion polls that anyone wishing to express their comments would easily leave one.
28. WinnersEdgeTrading.
Winners Edge Trading is among the major Forex blogs. A Forex blogger and trader, Casey Stubbs is the founder of Winners Edge Trading and a widely accepted market expert who delivers excellent content that could help all traders maximize their trading profit potential. With interesting, updated, relevant and fresh content, this blog has something to offer all traders. Advanced traders can benefit from trade calls and advanced articles, while new traders can learn the basics of trading.
29. DayTradingForexLive.
Day Trading Forex Live was founded by the two traders, Sterling and Chad, with the aim of informing traders about the forex market and its internal workings. Through this site, you will able to learn some strategies and gain specific knowledge that will serve as your ideal foundation in forex trading and help you how to trade well. The live trading sessions, coaching, feedback and tools they provide will help you maximize your trading potential and eventually succeed at trading. Through this site you can also get information from its forex courses, forex videos, forex articles and daily commentaries.
30. Currency Thoughts.
This is an ideal website that involves an intensive analysis of the occurrences of the Forex world. It also deeper analysis of overnight bulletins more so for a morning person, this is ideally the to-go to website. It also features a periodic blog by the founder, Larry Greenberg where he share insightful information from his over 35 years’ experience in the currency market arena.
31. The Geek Knows.
From the first glance at this website, it appears to be more of an informative and educative website in matters pertaining Forex. This is a great website for beginners. It offers a great deal of information on risk management techniques, best trading software and tools, when to invest and which currencies to avoid.
32. Forexmentoronline.
This is upcoming blog is a great reference tool for any type of trading information you are looking for. It has numerous articles that cover almost every topic from price action trading to supply and demand making it a top informative blog. With a daily update to the site, you get a clear sense of events that are unfolding in the Forex markets.
33. Trading NRG.
Since 2010, trading NRG started its blogging and majorly deals with energy commodities as its major items of trade such as crude oil and natural gas and sometimes precious metals like gold and silver. It delivers and analyses news on a daily basis as well as a weekly forecast on the energy commodities.
34. FXPrimus.
This is a popular forex broker that will offer both demo and live trading accounts. In addition to the trading accounts, they also offer trader education. Visit fxprimus/education/ for daily market commentary, global business news, and other market briefs that can help you as a Forex trader. You can start a live trading account with as little as $100. As with any broker, make sure to read reviews on line before deciding to go with them and depositing any money.
35. mytradinghub.
MyTradingHub is a trading education site and blog that shares experience and Forex lessons with traders with respect to classic trading techniques like support and resistance, swing points, etc. The blog posts are good and the site also focuses on more than just Forex for those who are interested also in stocks and options.
36. Wanderingtrader.
If you love traveling or if you are a trader who is looking for a better way to trade, you will definitely love Wandering Trader. Wandering Trader is owned by Marcello Arambide, a stock market day trader and someone who has widely traveled around 80 countries around the world. As its name implies, this site has a lot to offer globe trotters since it provides travel deals, information on various destinations, inspiration and even gives out travel contacts to make the most of one’s travel or vacation for free. Aside from this, The Day Trading Academy (DTA) program is easy to comprehend and provides clear rules, making a trader more confident in his trading activities.
37. Marc to Market.
This site is an intensive analysis of the global forex and capital markets of which it tries to evaluate and make sense of each market. It offers a daily cast of news that is around the world and a great deal to assess what currencies are performing and which currencies to avoid.
38. Tradeciety.
Founded by two German guys, Rof and Moritz Tradeciety is the go to the website for Forex traders in the beginner and the intermediate stage. It offers special FX lessons for $347 taking pride as the ultimate learning experience for Forex traders. You get over 2000 posts in their daily forums where they analyze the markets Price action trading, weekly setups, when to exit trades, Managing trades, risk management and how to set stops and targets.
39. 2 Traders Podcast.
This is an amazing website by two brilliant minds of Walter Peters and Darren Littlewood give an in depth analysis of the Forex markets through podcasts available on the website. With over 83 episodes, available on the website as well as iTunes, stitcher and SoundCloud, any FX trader could easily access these podcasts. Topics include trading systems, news, trading theories just to name a few.
40. GCITrading.
A CFD and Foreign Exchange broker, GCI focuses on excellent trading conditions. Ele usa o software confiável ActTrader e MetaTrader. Quando você está negociando com este corretor, você pode ter acesso a transações interbancárias diretas, spreads baixos e negociar com facilidade com o uso do seu Mac, iPhone, navegador da Web, PC ou qualquer dispositivo móvel. This site is especially for those who want to trade CFDs, stock indices, gold, crude oil, commodities or currencies.
41. Paxforex.
An STP FX online broker, Pax Forex focuses more on the fun side of FX trading and not so much on the seriousness required in FX trading. It puts emphasis on its FX trading bonuses and contests. It provides some information pertaining to the trading conditions that can benefit professional traders. It offers various leverage options as well. This website is good for those who trade commodities, futures, silver, gold, stocks, CFD and Forex. It uses the respected and popular MetaTrader4 platform. It offers competitive trading accounts; the VIP FX Account for traders with $10,000 USD deposit or more, the Standard FX Account for professional and experienced traders with $9,999-$300 USD deposit and the Mini FX Account for newbie traders with a minimum deposit of $10.
42. 52 Traders.
This is a weekly podcast by Cam Hawkins where he interviews various forex traders to get a clear picture of the recent trends and occurrences in the Forex market scene. The idea behind 52 traders is that one gets direct information from experienced FX traders giving out the secrets of trading from their own personal experiences. For example in styles like hedging, Currency “Insider” Trading, Mad Algo Trading just to name a few.
43. FXService.
This site provides knowledge and powerful tools to its clients in order for them to be able make wise trading decisions. It also provides its clients with quality support, prompt customer service, excellent trading terms and relevant education. Learn forex as you read the forex articles it provides to gain more knowledge about trading. It also offers technical and fundamental analysis. This site is great for those who trade fossil fuels, stocks, CFDs and precious metals.
44. Realtimeforex.
Providing fast trading, Real Time Forex is highly recommended for its great platform. It provides tight security as it authorizes logins. It also provides technical analysis and fundamental analysis, making you decide wisely on your next move. If you want to get the latest forex news and forex forecasts, you will learn a lot of information from this site. It also provides the daily news on forex, keeping all its visitors updated daily.
45. Marketpulse.
Established by securities strategists and analysts, MarketPulse posts insightful information daily covering the largest financial markets in the world. This site covers commodities, forex, and worldwide index analysis, research and news. It offers informative and timely research pertaining to the technical analysis, important macroeconomic trends, and global events that influence various asset investors and classes. It provides a holistic perspective on global, regional and national factors, supporting traders in their pursuit of obtaining relevant market data.
46. Tradingheroes.
Founded by Hugh Kimura, Trading Heroes is about creating a sufficient income through fx trading. With a mission to find out the most excellent trading strategies, software, mentors and education and to share what he has learned, Trading Heroes came to be. In his Expedition Field Kit, Hugh reveals what he has learned, shows the methods for developing and testing trading strategies or provides updates on his recent discoveries that can be quite beneficial to traders.
47. Stocktwits.
Founded back in 2008 by Howard Lindzon, StockTwits is a financial commonplace or communications platform for the financial Forex community. StockTwits came up with $TICKER tag where one organizes streams of information majorly on ideas and information used by investors or analysts in the Forex market. To date, they enjoy over 40 million views of their streams worldwide who receive their streams from over 300,000 investors, public companies and market professionals.
48. Abnormal Returns.
Abnormal Returns stands out as the best investment blog any FX trader could rely for on a daily basis. The founder and editor, Tadas Viskanta brings onboard his 25 years in financial markets with daily updates to the website. As a forecast-free investment blog for FX traders it has become an indicator of what revolves around financial trading.
This is basically an open discussion forum for users of MetaTrader 5 where they engage in all maters affiliated to Forex. The website is not limited to a specific level of traders’ level rather it is open to beginners as well as advanced traders. The forum discusses topics like the pros and cons of this trading software, the present economic situations and what best strategies to indulge in. Also there’s the forex analysis segment that has a holistic approach in the Forex news.
50. MQL4.
Being an open sharing website similar to MetaTrader 5, this website associated with the MQL4 programming language is dedicated to the Metaquotes MetaTrader 4 trading platform. More experienced traders within the platform share their open-source MQL4 scripts, advice, as well as trading strategies then newbies or anyone willing to use this information would adapt it to their trades.
51. SMBTraining.
SMBTraining provides trader training and education to semi-experienced and new traders alike. It offers its services and products both in person and electronical (online through smbtraining). It also gives seminars for educational purposes. It does not only teach trading skills to traders but also provides intensive training programs. It provides training programs that solely depend on the fundamental bases of elite performance. Foundational knowledge, critical feedback and purposeful practice are associated with the so-called elite performance.
52. Trade2Win.
Trade2Win is a uniting site where it unites worldwide forex traders where they get to share their ideas and help novice traders learn the basics of FX trades. They have a mass collection of very informative articles from these traders as well as interviews with leading traders. With over 293,000 members globally, you are exposed to the reality of trading and the secrets of emotions in trading to having reviews of the best trading platforms and strategies.
53. Benzinga Pro.
With Benzinga a lot of work is done by Wall Street’s top traders to ensure that forex investors have access to context and answers from the most current news. From the free subscription, the website is open every day therefore you have access to data that help them navigate even in the most volatile markets plus, an investor have instant conversation with a reporter at their headquarters.
54. EA-Coder.
EA-Coder is a site devoted to helping forex traders of all levels. O proprietário, Rimantas Petrauskas, criou um robô comercial bem-sucedido, bem como um punhado de outras ferramentas de negociação que milhares de operadores Forex usam regularmente. He has created one of the best trade copier software that exists online for transferring trades between multiple MetaTrader4 trading platforms. He has helped many people become signal providers by providing the technology that helps them automatically share their trades with as many people as they have as customers but through giving traders more control so they do not need to participate in one of the large social trading networks (which often carry many restrictive rules). This site also provides Forex education on a number of diverse topics.
55. Forexsignals. me.
This website seems to be paired with the company ITM financial which doesn’t have a very good reputation over on ForexPeaceArmy. From a friend’s personal experience I have also heard some negative things about their service/site ForexSocialSignals. This site here, ForexSignals. me, seems to be simply offering some free ‘amazing’ indicators and then moving you over to their other website ForexSocialSignals where they offer courses and memberships starting at $997 and ranging to $4997. Make sure to read the reviews that you find online before investing such a large amount of money with a company like this. This website seems to be also owned by the same internet marketer of theinternettimemachine. The theory didn’t seem to work for Forex trading signals.
56. Authenticfx.
Authenticfx is one website for traders with the desire to be on board and have the predictions of what is about to happen in the market. They use various systems to identify possible profitable forex robots every day, it is a recommended website before you sit in front of those charts to trade since you get to learn tips of how to do it right.
57. Countingpips.
This website focuses more on news that can impact countries and their currency values than anything else. It is a good source of current news events and opinions about current news events that traders might be able to use to help them evaluate fundamental changes in currency values. The blog contains useful information about pivot points on certain currency pairs as well as speculation about future values of popular currency pairs. They also offer real-time currency value charts which might be the table for some who do not use a trading platform such as MetaTrader 4.
58. Ewminteractive.
This forum is majorly a site designed to popularize Forex to traders, investors, business owners and even non-business individuals. It provides the information of what exactly happens at forex market to those people interested in starting the trade but mainly for the common people by provides knowledge about currency and foreign exchange and all that goes on in such a market.
59. Forexfraud.
This website is a policing and fraud alert type website that is designed to help Forex traders avoid mistakes when it comes to working with unscrupulous merchants, brokers and others who would attempt to defraud forex traders. You can find reviews about a popular Forex Software as well as information about brokers that they recommend traders avoid. There are articles and also information for beginners who are new to the world of Forex.
60. Forextv.
This site has some very nice currency and news analysis. They gave you real time currency price feeds as well as detailed information on the major currency pairs. They also provide very detailed Forex education as well as current market commentary. There’s a lot you can glean from their commentary about where price might be heading. They seem to favor the ichimoku indicator for a lot of the chart analysis. You can also find current news information on this website. There are also some videos that some traders might find useful for educational purposes.
61. 50pipsfx.
This website most and provides daily market commentaries. There is some information you can learn from each of these commentaries and they seem to be updated on a regular basis. There is a little bit of additional information elsewhere that you can learn as a Forex trader including some weekly webinars that are advertised, but otherwise it is a smaller site with less information than a lot of these other highly ranked websites.
62. Swing trading Strategies.
When it comes to numerous systems and free forex trading strategies to go through, you get to take a lot of time but in the end pick what is best for you and that is what you find in the Swing Trading Strategies forum. The website is an open-trading forum where the forex traders can enjoy testing all levels of trading strategies.
63. Onestepremoved.
On this site you can find some useful tools that will help you with your trading as well as some programming services in case you’re in the market for building a Forex robot or would like to design some custom Forex indicators. While most programmers focus on the MetaTrader platform, the owner of this site instead focuses on the Ninja Trader platform and developing applications for it. This is very useful for those who use the Ninja Trader platform instead of the MetaTrader platform.
64. FXInstructor.
This website offers Forex trading education as well as daily and weekly forecast for popular currency pairs. They also offer a live trading room which you can join for free which is a great way to investigate the trading strategies they talk about and how effective the trading method is. They also offer Forex trading signals which can be demoed using a trial period. They offer resources as far as Forex tools as well as some information about a couple of Forex brokers. They also have a Forex forum so traders can communicate with one another and share ideas, setups, and strategies.
65. Netpicks Trading Strategies.
This forum is especially for traders looking for a more mechanical approach because Netpicks started as a trading signal based company but with time created systems to suit investors with objective trading methods. It is a wealth trading blogs suitable for forex traders with whatever market they are using as from their about 20 years’ experience it has the right systems for trading.
66. Rates Fx.
If you are a professional trader, then you know that the most current news in terms of currency and foreign exchange rates is your number one priority as you start trading. On the other hand rates Fx is one website which not only has the most currents data, context and news but which are also comprehensive to inform you of the key signals.
67. Global-view.
This website includes many different forums for information about trading and global currency news. There is a learning center which can teach you some of the fundamentals about Forex trading. There is also information about different brokerage firms including reviews on some of the major ones. There are various tools available throughout the site and some traders may find this website useful for learning some of the nitty gritty details about the forex market in general.
68. Investopedia.
At times while trading at forex an investor can get caught in a confusion of making a decision and would want some information to get out of the situation there are many website where one would get such information but with Investopedia it is usually one of the updated sources of data to use. It provides comprehensive news appropriate for the trading session you can look up to anytime.
69. Traders Laboratory.
Unlike most other websites, Traders Laboratory is a forum where forex traders converge to share their trading experiences. For starters in trading, it is a very important forum to look at as you learn from others experiences also even for any other trader in search of specific topic, analysis tips or locking down a bad trading habit then traders laboratory has the answers and opinions for such.
70. Daytradeideas. co. uk.
This is a page devoted to Jason Sen, a professional trader who has been trading for many years. There are webinars available as well as daily market analysis for helping traders evaluate the markets. He discusses different commodities and forex pairs and is a technical trader that believe the price on the chart has already taken into account the fundamental analysis. They offer webinars & technical analysis articles to help you understand how to trade financial markets.
71. The-lazy-trader.
This website seems mostly focused on long-term analysis of currency pairs and the values that move them. This website focuses also on options trading as well as Forex trading. There are a number of review articles and weekly analysis articles available on the website. There is a review of a Forex robot of sorts but it only shows very limited results which are not positive. On the options end they do show a track record of success stretching back a couple of years.
72. Vladimirribakov.
This is a website devoted to the educational insights of Vladimir Ribakov who shares daily market analysis and forecasts on major currency pairs. There is a training university offered as well as trading signals and mentoring as well for paid services. There are also some free reports and other downloads available on the site as well as a free email newsletter that some traders might find useful. The reviews on this site and trade instructor are extremely good over on ForexPeaceArmy which is somewhat rare of a thing to run into.
73. Forex Factory.
Forex Factory is one of the largest platforms with informative news section plus an excellent calendar, it is mainly designed to support forex traders. It has countless features made to hasten collection of information for the traders and many systems are put in place to reduce the noise and lent context to opinions. It one refined forum offering unmatched intelligent foreign exchange market information to professional forex traders worldwide.
74. ForexAlchemy.
ForexAlchemy is a site that offers a lot of diverse and valuable information for forex traders. Traders can benefit from reading articles about psychology, motivation and other interesting stories. Traders can also read about daily market analysis on popular trading pairs. This is an interesting pwebsite because of its diversity. On one page you can read about a famous celebrity’s home while on another page you can read about the major levels of the AUDUSD pair. Some good inspiration and motivation can be found amongst its pages.
75. Thegeekknows.
This website is another information portal which gives regular market forecasts and articles about the currency pairs and their current levels. There is a trading system offered called The Koala System which can be reviewed on the site. They also offer some reviews on some ZuluTrade providers. There is some information about current market analysis, but not that much compared with other sites here on this list.
76. Alphaville.
This is a globally recognized forum that widens the boundaries of the news provided especially as analysis to macro analysis for the forex traders. The services it offers such as news, comment, data and analysis are based on integrity and accuracy for professional trade and the growth of its forex audience, Alphaville puts out the news behind the news.
77. ZenTrader. ca.
Part of the value in this site and blog are the links to other sites that forex traders can visit and benefit from. Look to the blogroll for some valuable site resources. Otherwise there are some good posts with current market commentaries as well as discussion of chart patterns on both forex pairs and indexes.
78. ForexTradingBig.
This site has a large number of articles for forex trader education, included some articles on broker reviews. There are a number of articles and trainings for beginners in forex and there are some trading techniques discussed as well. The blog topics are updated on a pretty regular bases and some traders will probably very much enjoy reading the posts.
79. swissquote-fx.
A completely regulated Swiss online broker, MIG Bank or MIG Investments provides real-time access to bullion and foreign exchange markets. It provides free indicators and simple systems. Its multi-lingual platform is relatively easy to understand and use. Clients can setup demo accounts for free and then they will have a better idea of the platform and have the chance to experience real markets through its demo account. Its features include an easy withdrawal process and tight spreads. It provides market reports, educational tools and information that can help you trade confidently.
80. Ashraflaidi.
This website offers news and information for forex traders. There is current market commentary as well as detailed analysis on different stocks, forex and commodities. This is not a forex exclusive website but rather is more in tune with global news and events that could move currency prices. Premium, subscriber-only content is available as well.
81. MT4Copier.
For all those who would like to take their signals and transfer them to other traders or build a business around offering forex signals or manage other people’s accounts by coping trades then this is the website for you. The owner of the site has built an extremely reliable and high-quality trade copier software for the MetaTrader 4 platform so that traders can copy trades from one account to another. The applications for this technology are practically limitless when it comes to transferring trades in less than a second, even across the globe between hundreds of traders.
82. Leaprate.
Leaprate is a very credible and up to date website with a daily update on the forex market. Majorly it the interface resembles a Forex news site but this amazing website has more to it. It encompasses aspects like; market research, money transfers and even complaints where one can identify Forex scams.
83. Engulfingcandle.
This is a weekly blog where the author who shares every Friday the most recent things around him in the Forex scene that he deems best for any FX trader. He shares his lessons around his trading strategies and his journey towards his successful personal trading goals. It has a simple interface and has only 3 landing pages, making it a good blog to follow more so for beginners.
84. Deal Book.
This is a New York Times financial blog that greatly covers major forex news and topics that are really essential to traders. Founded by Andrew Ross Sorkin, the blog has gained popularity and has attracted more successful traders and influencers of the financial markets as part of the columnists too. The blog ideally covers financial news and forecasts in the FX market.
85. UFXMarkets.
A forex broker, UFX Markets makes its name in online currency trading. With this site, it is possible to exchange over 45 currency pairs, plus stocks and commodities. It gives accurate feeds on matters pertaining to the constant changes in currency rates, helping the traders maximize their investments. It provides the ParagonEx and MetaTrader trading platforms. Although it cannot cater to US traders, EFXMarkets has clients from across the globe. What’s more, this site provides market reviews, advanced charts, financial calendars, trading analysis and essential tools to help the traders maximize their trading experience.
86. BrainyForex.
BrainyForex is another product and course review site as well as spam watch site. They review just about everything and also offer boatloads of tools and resources for traders, especially new traders. They even have a feature that allows traders to submit robots for review by their team. Use this as a multipurpose resource and review site to help you navigate a sea of forex products.
87. ValueWalk.
Since its launch in January 2010, Valuewalk has greatly focused on value investing. Today, it is a fully reliable website that has numerous authors with vast experience from financial news, tech news, hedge funds to evergreen content with the sole aim of educating traders. It also has library of books that are customized for Forex learners.
88. Fallond Picks.
With this website, you get daily financial news where there is adequate and intense technical analysis. This financial blog poses greater attention to major indices and highly reliable to clients who opt for short term trades with interest in the major indices. They also offer discussion forums where they get to highlight fundamental causes of specific trading moves or specific price forecasts.
89. DonMillerEducation.
Here is another forex educational resource and portal with a number of different training tools and courses. The tuitions are a little expensive but some of the costs of the courses are donated to various charities. There are video trainings as well and also different interviews and articles that can help traders. Make sure to always do your homework before investing money into trading tools or courses.
90. Forexkong.
There are some very good lessons about the forex market in general found within the posts of this great little opinion website. There is a knowledge base of information that new traders may find very helpful and the insight into the fundamentals of the forex market are very detailed and seemingly accurate. The owner of the site and trader writes with a lot of personality which is refreshing among a number of stale ‘analysis by the numbers only’ type blogs. If you enjoy reading about the forex market and what moves the currency values in general then you will enjoy this site.
91. TerraSeeds.
This site offers different forex educational tools and resources. This site specifically caters to those traders in Singapore and the surrounding countries by offering live seminars and courses designed to teach forex trading. They have a very active blog that covers a large number of topics including the trading strategies they use as well as analysis of certain setups and specific trades according to their trading systems.
92. TradingView.
TradingView is an ace site for all those who are active traders and want to keep an eye on the rise and fall of the stock. Apart from giving you real time updates, you can also find a reliable network wherein active traders are willing to exchange ideas so that each of them can maximize the profits they make via trading. The site offers live updates of different stocks and gives you a market summary which will help you consolidate the data and came up with meaningful deductions and analysis to guide in better investment decisions.
93. Truth About FX.
It involves a series of podcast that explore and expound on the Forex arena to any trader on what it takes and involves being a prolific trader. Voiced through Hugh Kimura and Walter Peters, they give their best opinions on topics like trading education, managing open trades, or even trading psychology for any level of a trader be it beginner or expert.
94. BetterTrader. co. uk.
BetterTrader offers a large number of currency pair forecasts and price evaluations. Traders can learn from the chart pattern analysis as well as the write-ups about each currency pair. The updates to the site with the current analysis are rather regular and multiple pairs are covered each day include S&P 500 as well as Gold and other commodities and indexes.
95. Piptrain.
This website provides timely market commentary on factors relevant to currency prices as well as analysis on several major currency pairs. There is not much more here than just regular updates on the same with write-ups on the various pairs. You’ll want to visit twitpic/photos/piptrain for the pictures and charts relevant to the discussions on the main site.
96. Elitecurrensea.
Nenad and I (Chris) founded Elite CurrenSea in 2013 because traders were simply asking for more analysis from us. We accepted the challenge and made it our passion to share and teach our methods and analysis to traders. Nenad and I emphasize different tools: Nenad likes ECS Camarilla Pivot Points, price action and his own ECS MACD whereas Chris prefers wave patterns and moving averages. But ultimately we both trade with the same vision: manual trading based on technical analysis which uses the market structure via S&R, trend and patterns. We trade pre-fact with live setups, not post-fact with hindsight bias. We show traders in real time because this is who traders can learn the quickest.
97. SharesWatch. au.
This website is more of a general portal about different types of investments, especially those relevant to the Australian economy. As taxas forex são publicadas aqui, além de informações sobre eventos de notícias atuais que podem gerar o valor da moeda australiana. Há uma série de links valiosos para recursos de investimento, novamente, especialmente adaptados para cidadãos e investidores australianos.
98. Forexhound.
ForexHound is another technical analysis website offering in-depth analysis on a large number of currency pairs—both major pairs and the crosses. They use solid fundamentals like trendlines and support and resistance to map out the potential future moves of these pairs that they review on a daily basis. They also provide a large amount of education of topics not just on chart analysis. It is a good site for beginners and intermediate traders alike. It is nice how they report on many different currency pairs each day.
99. ewminteractive.
This website provides information and training on the Elliott Wave Theory. The Elliott wave is a strategy and a tool that is used by many, many Forex traders, as well as traders from other markets as well. It is a fundamentally sound principle that, when executed, can do extremely well for trading results. This website offers the education and resources the traders can use to learn and apply the Elliott wave theory. There are also a large number of posts and information related to currency prices on the site.
100. PrivateForexCoaching.
While not the clearest website to navigate, there are training materials that can be purchased. Most traders will find value in the market commentary and pair analysis posts that are available on the blog. Posts stretch back to 2012 so traders who like to revisit the past to learn good lessons for the future will find good value in these older posts, as well as the most current ones too.
As you can see, this is a formidable list and one that will take you some time to explore and research for yourself. This is what I recommend for you as you have the time. There are some wonderfully valuable resources and golden nuggets contained in this list and chances are high that a few of them could help you become an even better trader than you are now. I’m sure there are some more great Forex blogs out there that I’ve missed. Do you have a favorite of yours that you could add to this list? If so, please list it below. It doesn’t matter if it’s a blog or your favorite site or resource, just list it below to share it with others.
Feel free to embed this TOP 100 Forex Blogs List to your website using the embed code below.
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Publicações relacionadas:
Sobre o autor.
First I am a father, a husband and then the author of the book “How to Start Your Own Forex Signals Service”. Eu também sou um comerciante de Forex, um programador, um empresário e o fundador do e-codeer Forex blog. Criei duas das copiadoras comerciais mais populares e outras ferramentas de negociação para MT4 que já são usadas em todo o mundo por centenas de comerciantes de moeda.
Hey, thanks for including my blog. I’ve started trading for real recently, before I just wrote the blog so expect more from me this year and in future..
Haroun, that’s great 😉 Traders appreciate your work.
Another blog post worthy of time and study for any level trader. Excellent material, I have not even heard of many of them before reading this.
Brandon, same here. I too never saw many of these blog sites before either. It was fun creating this list. Obrigado por seu comentário.
Hey Rimantas.. Well done! I will have to explore some of these to see which ones I think contain something valuable to me.. Thanks! ..PipPip….Jimdandy..
You’re welcome Jim 😉 I am sure you will find at least few worth time reading.
Great job and selection!
And thanks for having included mine too.
Have a good weekend.
Robert, you’re welcome. É o meu prazer.
Hi Rimantas, congratulations on your excellent hard work. A comprehensive list that I will use for my own trading and many thanks for including me at number 67.
Thanks Jason. It’s my pleasure to have you on this list. Estou feliz por ter gostado.
I agree with your list and would have been just as happy with a Top 20 list. you could even leave off the blogs. and also agree with the fact that some well known sites have not been posting much.
if I could sell articles, I would not be wasting time with a blog, while at the same time, a blog can help with exposure.
I just wanted to do much better than just top 20 list 🙂
Thanks for your comments 😉
Although i am bottom of the list (#101) , i am very pleased that my blog is on your list.
Dear Howard, nice to have you on the list too 😉
[…] has been listed among the best Forex sites in a ranking published in EA Coder’s Forex Blog, a blog of MT4 Trading Software and Tools. The site, in the seventh position, is defined as one […]
Thank you kindly for including us in this list.
Bearing in mind that our company is so young, it is a true honour to be ranked amongst some of the big names in the industry. Be sure that we will stay committed to our mission and continue delivering the ultimate end-users experience.
In short, if you want to stay ahead of the news – ewminteractive/
Antoni, thanks for your comment. Good to have you on the list.
Hi Rimantas, thank you for your appraisal and recognition of our effort. We earned a #87 spot here and I am sharing this with my community on Tweeter, Facebook and Pinterest.
Você é bem-vindo. Nice to have you on this list 😉
How come forexpeacearmy isn’t on your list? you do mention it several times when describing other blogs… following your description of selection method there are definatelly a lot of posts made on FPA in 2014 and based on alexa rating it should be in top10 of your list? & # 8211; how come it didn’t made it?
Romas, thanks for your comment. This list is about Forex blogs and I did not saw a blog from FPA. Do they have it? There is a forum and lots of other information out there, but there is no blog. Or am I mistaken? Maybe in the future I could create a TOP 10 Forex review sites and I am sure FPA will be in the #1 place.
Define what is a “blog” then 😉
Yes I also thought as you wrote – there are forums on FPA, not a blogs, but then I went trhough your list – and there are quite a few sites which have many other information and forums as well – basically they are similar. The only difference I could find is the graphical layout. Let’s take fxstreet as a sample – big site, loads info about FX, and they have “authors” which write articles/analysis – I assume you count these as blog? But please explain to me how is that different to e. g. this guys daily analysis and postings on FPA: forexpeacearmy/forex-forum/jarratt-davis-s-trading-signals/ – yes it is on Vbulletin which technically is a “forum” software not a “blog”. But in relation to this article – I really do not see any difference…
Let’s see wikipedia: “A blog (a truncation of the expression web log)[1] is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting of discrete entries (“posts”) typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first).”
Well by this definition any forum that has some main authors (not only crowd discussion) is a blog – não é isso?
Yet I do hear what you mean and frankly when I saw a title I expected to see a list of either largest FX discussion sites OR a list of personal blog sites (no names form big portals) – but this list is a mix of both and that confused me.
Romas, I understand what you say. I could say I was focusing more on those blogs/sites that post updates about technical and fundamental analysis, market overviews, trading tips, etc. Not sure why FPA did not came up to my mind when I was creating this list, maybe because I mention it in almost every blog post that I write 🙂
Looking at the Jarratt Davis’s page on FPA is does look like it should be on this TOP 100 list. I will make that happen. Or maybe you have a better FPA page to suggest?
I guess something like a page of all new FX product reviews are posted on FPA would be a great resource. Now we do not see when new reviews are posted, unless we monitor specific page.
Obrigado por sua sugestão.
Thanks for including my site on the best 100 list. It is humbling and an honor to be included. I think you might have missed a few good ones but this is a very good list. Thanks for the work here. I will share this link to anyone who is interested in learning more about forex.
Casey, my pleasure to have your blog on the list. If you have any suggestions for any additions to the list please add them here or send me directly. Obrigado.
A great post you have here. Our blog news centre is fairly new to the scene.
We generally have a daily analysis market wrap blog and also one for other stories and ideas of interest.
We would love to hear what you think of it.
Kind regards, Nicole.
Nicole, thanks for your suggestion. I will consider adding this to the list.
Excelente trabalho! Obrigado!
I use many of these sites, but thought you may want to look at these two as well. I don’t represent them, but I use them almost daily. efxnews , and bkforex.
Thank you, Rick. Those two look like great sites as well. Thanks for sharing 😉
Excellent work and many thanks for the awesome list. It is also great to see new quality Forex sites and blogs coming up, the more information a trader can get the better.
Richard, glad you like it and thanks for your feedback.
Lovely sites all.
Great list!! I will definitely explore some of the blogs you have listed. I believe knowledge is power. I would like to suggest adding DDMarkets to the list, I have been following them for a while and they are pretty good. Thank you again for the great list.
Dan, thanks for your suggestion. I will look at their site some time later.
RImantas, thats a very detailed review of the sites. This is for someone at least starting out with some good basics.
A solid and informative post IMO.
Well what can I say? You certainly don’t do things in half measures 🙂 This is an excellent resource for those looking for information and interaction in the forex sphere.
Really enjoyed your forex signals book by the way, and am looking forward to your signals site course when you release it. Any ETA on that?
thanks for your nice feedback. I am glad you like my work. The Forex Signals Academy online video course is in planning stage for now.
I am looking to start working on it in the beginning of 2015.
Cool, I will stay posted.
This is very useful for me. i am looking for forex related website. This helps me a lot. Our forex related website should be ranked within 100 top list.
this is now popular signal proving site. you can get weekly analysis in our website. there are some profitable strategy also.
A very solid and informative collection useful for forex traders like me,
Rimantas you made a really good job.
Obrigado Jim. Glad you like the list. It is quite outdated now, but still those sites are great.
Hi Can you tell me what you think about eurusdinsider ?
Hello, to be honest I do not have any experience with this site. Never tried their services so I cannot tell you anything about it.
Not sure of the protocol here Rimantas, so please feel free to ignore/delete this post, but I’d like to put my own blog forward as a candidate for any updates to this list?
Hi, I will definitely include your site when I will update this TOP 100 list. Thanks for suggestion.
Thanks for this great list, It really opens up all the options to help me choose the one that will really suit my needs and help me keep up with the latest info in the Forex Industry, keep up this great site, it’s very informative. Obrigado.
Thanks for your feedback, John.
Best research for new, well done. do you want to know more about just visit this link goo. gl/54OD75.
whoah este blog é magnífico eu adoro estudar seus artigos. Continue com o ótimo trabalho! Você sabe, muitas pessoas estão procurando por essa informação, você pode ajudá-las muito.
Obrigado pelo seu feedback!
Well what would I be able to say? You absolutely don’t do things down the middle measures :- ) This is a phenomenal asset for those searching for data and cooperation in the forex circle.
Truly making the most of your forex signs book incidentally, and am anticipating your signs site course when you discharge it.
Dear Rodny, thanks for your feedback and your comment.
If you want to keep this relevant and fresh you should include my podcast which is a great resource for newbie traders. Real insight from real traders. It’s called “52 Traders” and is essentially a blog.
Great resource you have here by the way!
Cam, thanks for your suggestion.
Thanks for Sharing such a great list that might be developed in weeks to mange the post content . As a new Trader on Tradesolid this will be a great list and worths alot, specially investing dot com is the best site i have been gone through till now .
Obrigado. Estou feliz por ter gostado.
Whoaa, Nial Fuller, Forex School Online, Casey Stubbs (I did a review of this huckster on my site)…they might be on top of Alexa due to their manipulation skills (see this review about Fuller tradingschools/reviews/learn-to-trade-the-market-review/) not trading skills.
These guys are as close to a professional trader as a shaman is to a brain surgeon.
Vlad, thanks for sharing your experience with us.
Bela postagem. Great job and selection.
Great post. Thank you foir sharing.
Really Excellent post..
Great post and great list of Blog. Good information. Obrigado por compartilhar.
Fabulous post Thank you for share.
Excellent post i have found ever. The list not only important for 2014. It is helpful always.
Obrigado por sua ótima publicação. É realmente muito informativo e realmente útil. Por favor, continue postando. Obrigado novamente.
Nice Post even though this was top 100 of 2014 You could add Investorsbuz.
Has been around 5 years Just re-branded . Excellent Forex Financial Blog Incouraging and supporting social trading .
Obrigado por sua ótima publicação. É realmente muito informativo e realmente útil. Por favor, continue postando. Obrigado novamente.
I was trying to find out if you had excluded a favorite of mine of mine or not.. you haven’t .. thanks a lot!
thanks for sharing this post.
this is helpful for the fresher, who want to know about Forex.
Great work and an abundance of thanks for the magnificent rundown. It is likewise incredible to see new quality Forex locales and sites coming up, information should a broker can get as much as possible.
Awesome, thank you!
Really Nice Blog Thanks For Sharing Very Use Ful.
Hi Rimantas, its been a while since you did a similar post (3 years… and counting I guess?)
Any idea if you intend to do something similar? I’d like to reach out on this. Obrigado.
Yeah, it takes a lot of time to create such posts. I am updating this post now, but still it takes a lot of time.
nice;;; i was looking for a personal blog that was like a forex traders workshop;;;
but i havent found one yet organized enough for beginners.
i was hoping to devolop my own.
FXB Trading’s most powerful feature is the `Economic Calendar’ feature. It allows traders in the CFD market diverse types of data from all corners of the world. This enables the traders to keep abreast of US, European and Australian markets that dominate the CFD market.
Really nice Information Thanks For Sharing Very Useful.
Great list of 100 blogs.
I have also launched a blog in forex niche.
Hope someday I will to this list.
A daily news aggregator on major FX pairs.
Hope that we will make your list some day, as the preemptive robot review web-site!
With great interest and curiosity I read this publication. Obrigado. Personally, I like working with Forex brokers. It’s nice when the income is stable and constantly increases. By the way, I often read here to improve the financial literacy of topbrokers/ It seems to me that Forex is becoming popular in the modern world.
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Rimantas Petrauskas é o autor, comerciante, programador, empresário, pai e marido de Forex. Ele vem criando software para troca de moeda e entrega de sinal desde 2009, e criou centenas de robôs comerciais para seus clientes. Ele acredita firmemente que, com uma Atitude Mental Positiva, podemos alcançar qualquer objetivo.

Day Trade Academy.
Day Trade Academy.
Would you like a $100k, fully funded Forex trading account, for free? Great news. Just purchase this $16k educational program and your Forex trading dreams will all come true.
Except, according to the CFTC, the persons behind this so-called trading opportunity are long time pyramid swindlers and financial hustlers.
Before you plunk down $16k and $327 monthly, you better read the past history of these financial hustlers; Kevin Jones and Matthew Poll.
With Olympic sprinter like qualities, they outpace financial regulators and create new companies, perpetuating the same old Forex “job” scam.
Thanks for reading today’s review of Day Trade Academy.
Before I begin, nearly all of the information for this review was provided to TradingSchools by the Utah Department of Securities, the CFTC, and a former employee of Day Trade Academy.
What is the Day Trading Academy? In a nutshell, the company is advertising a Forex day trading education, with the opportunity to receive a fully funded trading account of $100,000.
However, like all things trading related, you have to read the fine print. And you have to ask a multitude of questions. The following are the exact details of what the company is offering.
Trader Executive Program.
The Trader Executive Program has a sign-up fee of $15,595. With an additional fee of $327 per month. Included is a secret indicator, twice per week (1 hour) coaching for 12 weeks , and access to recorded webinars.
A student must complete 12 weeks of educational materials, and an additional 6 weeks of successfully trading on a Forex simulator.
If the student trades successfully with a simulator and meets an undefined performance threshold, then the company will award the student with a $3k Forex account.
The student gets to keep 80% of profits .
Trader Pro Funding Program.
The Pro Funding Program has a sign-up fee of $7,195. With an additional fee of $327 per month. Included is a secret indicator, twice per week (1 hour) coaching for 9 weeks , and access to recorded webinars.
A student must complete 9 weeks of educational materials, and an additional 6 weeks of successfully trading on a Forex simulator.
If the student trades successfully with a simulator and meets an undefined performance threshold, then the company will award the student with a $2k Forex account.
The student gets to keep 60% of profits .
Trader Pro Program with NO funding option.
The Trader Pro program does not include the opportunity for a funded account. The student is required to pay $4,195 upfront and $327 per month. Included is twice per week (1 hour) coaching for 6 weeks.
Included are educational materials and recorded webinars.
Trader Lite Program.
The Trader Lite program costs $876 per month and gives access to only educational materials.
What about the $100k fully funded account?
TradingSchools contacted the company and asked about the supposed promise for a fully funded $100k Forex trading account. The company replied that any additional funds must be provided by the student, either by additional deposit or through any profits the trader earned.
Now let’s talk about whom owns this company.
Kevin Jones and Mathew Poll.
I would like to introduce Kevin Jones and Mathew Poll. Both are longtime pyramid/Ponzi scheme hustlers and active members of the Mormon church.
Professional Forex Trader?
Kevin Jones got his start as a door-to-door salesman. According to his social media profile, he managed a team of 25 door-to-door salesmen that specialized in the usual door-to-door gimmickry; aluminum siding, kitchen knives, vacuum cleaners, and soap.
Eventually, he moved into pyramid marketing schemes that included selling residential phone services, and then eventually Forex trading educational products.
According to the former employee of Day Trade Academy, Kevin Jones has a long time friend and business partner named Matthew Poll.
Forex Trading Coach?
Mathew Poll got his start as an insurance salesman. He eventually joined Kevin selling a pyramid scheme named Telcel Solutions. The following video describes this “Telecom Business Opportunity.” Basically, spend $12,500 for the opportunity to sell other people a piece of the pyramid for $12,500.
A History Of Pyramid Schemes.
According to an interview that TradingSchools conducted with the Utah Division of Securities–they are very familiar Kevin Jones and Mathew Poll.
In fact, they were both ordered to Cease and Desist operations for a Forex scheme named Freedom Wealth Group. Essentially, Freedom Wealth Group was a pyramid/Ponzi scheme where Sucker A would convince Sucker B that Freedom Wealth Group had a magic trading indicator that would solve all of their money problems. Simply place the indicator on a Forex chart, copy the trades, and then money would magically appear in their Forex trading account.
As with all pyramid/Ponzi-type schemes, you will eventually run out of Suckers. The people at the top of the pyramid get paid, while the people on the bottom of the pyramid get hustled. Some of the people that were hustled by Kevin Jones and Mathew Poll eventually filed a complaint with the State of Utah.
After the State of Utah figured out that the entire operation was a pyramid investment scheme, they ordered Freedom Wealth Group to cease operations. You can see an archived copy of the Freedom Wealth Group website here. So what did Kevin and Mathew do next? Just start a new company and keep doing the same thing!
Another Forex Pyramid Scheme.
Within a matter of weeks from being busted for Freedom Wealth Group, they quickly formed a new company named Tactic Trading. But this time, they took things a step further. Instead of offering a magical trading indicator, they ‘white labeled’ the Sierra Chart trading platform and renamed it Green Chart.
In addition, they formed a partnership with an offshore, unregulated Forex broker that was operating illegally within the United States. Unbeknownst to customers, they received a kickback from each new account and a commission percentage of the entire trading volume. All of this is highly illegal in the United States.
Sure enough…the Utah Division of Securities started to receive a batch of new complaints that were remarkably similar to the Freedom Wealth Group complaints. In a nutshell, people were spending thousands of dollars for the Green Chart trading software, magical trading indicators, an educational product, and the opportunity to ‘sell’ the pyramid program to family and friends. The Utah Division of Securities was not impressed. They were once again shut down.
So now, we are talking about the original scheme of Freedom Wealth Group, that continues with Tactic Trading. Both shut down. A simple Google search for ‘Tactic Trade/Freedom Wealth Group’ will reveal page after page of online complaints from people that were scammed.
So what does Kevin Jones and Mathew Poll do next? Você adivinhou. Create yet another Forex trading and educational company mish-mashed with the flavor of pyramid. But by this time, they have figured out how to confuse and delay the State of Utah. Just create a bunch of different Forex trading companies! Swamp the securities regulators with a multitude of companies.
An Egypt full of pyramid schemes.
The following is a list of known companies that these hustlers are currently using. But, by no means is this a complete list. This is only what we were able to easily find. There are probably much more. So let’s take a look at what TradingSchools has been able to track down:
Did you notice the promo video for the telecommunications pyramid scheme is essentially the same promo video for the Forex trading scheme?
Its pretty clever how they essentially, decentralized the operation into a multitude of smaller businesses. This makes enforcement by regulators extremely difficult. Each company is a separate enforcement action. What can the State of Utah do?
Here comes the CFTC.
At this point, it has become pretty obvious to the State of Utah that Kevin Jones and Mathew Poll are not going to quit so easily. In addition, the scheme has now branched into all 50 states via job site ‘ad postings’.
Like cancer, these guys just keep spreading out. Time for federal regulators. Time to bring in the “Big Guns.”
On June 5, 2017, the CFTC charged the Forex brokerage known as Tallinex, Kevin Jones, Matthew Poll, and their shell company; General Trader Fulfillment with fraud.
How is it fraud? Fico feliz que você perguntou. According to the CFTC, Tallinex was fraudulently misrepresenting the profits of General Trader Fulfillment students. In other words, Kevin Jones and Mathew Poll were telling potential students that graduates of their trading program were making huge sums of money. And this information was supposedly verified and authenticated by Tallinex.
So think about this a moment…a student wants to become a full-time trader, and he wants that $100k company funded trading account. The trading educator is telling the student that everyone is making huge sums of money and that everything can be verified by simply talking to Tallinex. Of course, Tallinex is located in Estonia and they couldn’t give a damn about US regulators, nor the welfare of the students of Kevin and Matthew. Tallinex just wants new accounts and trading volume, they will say anything.
It’s a sad and pathetic tale. But it takes on a new meaning when a former employee of Kevin and Matthew colorfully describes the poor and pathetic souls that went into debt to purchase the $16k educational program. The person described the victims of Kevin and Matthew as “salt of the earth” type persons. With little resources, usually the working poor, with little understanding of financial instruments.
The Forex Fraud continues…Capital City Markets.
None of this fraud works without a Forex broker. And since June 5, 2017…the CFTC effectively eliminated one-leg of the scheme. But as we have learned from the prior history of Kevin Jones and Matthew Poll, they are not going away easily. With skills honed through years of selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door, they know that the next sucker can be found at the next door.
So what do Kevin and Mathew do next? Start a Forex brokerage!
On June 1st, immediately after the CFTC busts Tallinex for fraud and orders them to stop accepting US based customers…a brand new Forex brokerage magically appears! It is named CapitalCityMarkets.
According to the former employee of Kevin and Matthew, they are the buttholes behind Capital City Markets.
But Kevin and Matthew are pretty smart guys. The company is registered in the lovely hamlet of Vanuatu. An island in the middle of the South Pacific. A place that is known for extreme secrecy and completely out of the reach of the CFTC.
US investors, please say hello to your new Forex brokers.
The audacity of these scammers. It is simply amazing how persistent they continue with this scam.
Embrulhando as coisas.
These are the types of reviews that really fluster me. A tremendous amount of time goes into researching how the fraud is being executed. You can track down and expose the person and the company. But what do you do when they simply create a new company name?
And then blast ‘help wanted’ ads all over the internet? Luring in the next batch of suckers.
And the CFTC and the State of Utah? Can you imagine the resources that they must expend? It’s just crazy. These companies are like cockroaches.
Obrigado pela leitura. Would love to read your comments and opinions.
Sobre o autor.
Emmett Moore.
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22 Comments on "Day Trade Academy"
review day trading academy? I get my popcorn.
I don’t know much about the nuances of forex. I know the basic pairs and the fact that brokers take the other side of your position. Futures on the other hand have a purpose for hedging and some do trade them profitably over the long term. With FX it seems to be harder to find independent traders that make a living from speculating them.
Obrigado pela postagem, muito informativo. The bank I worked for had an enormous currency desk. These guys were very active trading all day. Obviously that was with institutional money, but I was always intrigued. I almost thought it made sense since you can always look for a pair that was active or trending. Once I heard that brokers needed you to lose then I realized it was rigged against retail to lose for sure. Is it safe to say fx is better suited to swing trading?
That was a nice trade Rob I hope you took it for a nice ride. So you go into a trade with a story to it, not just a technical picture. I stopped trying to scalp for profit a long time ago. Also when I had definable reason to enter a trade, it usually works out better for me which keeps me from over trading.
With currencies yes. The other nice thing about Forex over Futures is you can use micro lots, so you can try out your method live without using insane leverage like in futures. But just like day trading futures if you think you are going to make 5 micro scalps a day with no draw down and 80% + win rate and some insane ROI good luck. The first step to trading is to see the world as it is and not the fantasy world the TR operators preach in order to sucker people out of their money.
“The first step to trading is to see the world as it is and not the fantasy world the TR operators preach in order to sucker people out of their money.” So true!! I wish I could highlight that more in some way. A trader would be surprised if they made personal observations of the market then traded those ideas over time with realistic ROI expectations. You may not have a positive cash flow everyday like a salary, but you may be positive on a monthly basis.
“If you want to get rich, you start a religion.” L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology.
Ran out of Webster, New York.
I agree religion is an off topic. However, many scams are born from affinity scams. And the FBI calls Utah the ponzi and pyramid capital of the world. And for good reason.
Just curious why so many Mormons seem to be affiliated with this stuff. Just an opinion. And all opinions are welcome.
how the hell aren’t they in jail. a-holes like these guys make me sick. what is the loophole they keep jumping through to avoid jail time ??
Does the con man have a soul? I doubt it very much. Wow this business of online trading is a sewer that just keeps growing. Hopefully they are not allowed to run their schemes anymore. I can’t understand why someone would pay a fee to trade money they already are in possession of, somewhat similar to TST. People need to educate themselves before getting into bed financially with a company. At the very least do some background checks.
Mike, Have you finally come around to what I keep saying and that is this whole industry is corrupt. There are no exception just different levels of how big a scum bag they are.
dtchurn so true, they seem to be TST on steroids. The shills on their website are also classic. It’s nuts that you pay them to steal your money. It is the equivalent of me paying a mugger to rob me and then say thank you. RI MUITO. This is real life insanity.
